Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I was in full preparation mode for school. After all I only had two days left to make myself look good enough to de-throne the queen bee herself. If i looked even a fraction of a point less perfect then her, all chances of royalty would vanish into thin air. Preparations included getting the maximum tan without causing a sunburn. That would be number three on the 'Most Tragic Things To Happen Two Days Before School List'. You don't even want to know what number one is. I'm also in the process of stocking up on enough makeup to last until Christmas. Last and definitely not least is practically buying a whole new wardrobe despite my stepmother's request to stick to budget this year. Who cares about a budget? It's not like it's my money being spent.

Steps one and two were successfully completely and that just left step number three. Sarah and I were going to the mall later this afternoon to take care of that. However, at this moment it seems that my shopping trip is an eternity away. I woke up this morning with a Page long to-do list from the real life evil stepmother herself.

I was still half asleep when I walked down the stairs into the kitchen. My hair was tangled and lying limp down my back and I was wearing black sleep shorts with a pink tank. I retrieved the orange juice from the refrigerator and took a gulp right from the carton. Nobody else was home so it didn't matter.

I was planning on lying around all morning until I had to get ready to meet with Sarah but that dreaded to-do list put a tidy wrench in my plans. I glanced down at the list, printed in her swirly hand writing that made me want to hurl my orange juice.

1. Clean upstairs bathroom

2. Tidy your room.

3. Vacuum upstairs (I did downstairs before work)

4. Dust upstairs and downstairs

5. Wash breakfast dishes

6. Walk the dog

P.S. I know you're going to the mall today but could you please just finish these few things before you head out? Thanks.

I suddenly felt like I'd been cast as Cinderella in the school play, only this was reality and I actually had to do all these things. I glanced at the time on the stove and saw that it was already 10:30 and I was supposed to meet Sarah at her house by 1:00. I better get a move on if I wanted to be on time. Sarah would have a fit if I was late for our shopping date. Like me, she takes shopping extremely serious.

Reading over my chores one more time I dashed up the stairs to my bedroom to get my iPod. If I was going to do chores I wanted to at least halfway enjoy it. Once 'Boyfriend' by Justin Bieber was blasting through my earbuds I set to work. I decided to start upstairs and work my way down.

After two hours and three different playlists I was finished all the things the evil stepmother had demanded me to do that she was just to lazy to do herself. I dashed up the stairs, two at a time to get ready for my shopping date.

While I was dressing I couldn't get that annoying high pitched voice of the stepmother from the Cinderella out of my head. I had always compared my dad's new wife, Amanda to that fictional character. She and my dad have been married for two years now but I've never gotten completely used to having her around. For so long it was just me and dad and then she jumped into our happy little family of two. You see, my mom left us when was just a baby. She ran of with another man to San Francisco or something. I was used to not having a mom and it forced my dad and I to grow very close.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone vibrating on my bed. I received a text from Sarah telling me that she was ready to go. I looked at the time and realized that I had fifteen minutes to finish getting ready and walk over to her house. She only lived two streets away though.

I tooling my appearance in my full length mirror and I liked what I saw. I was wearing my favorite red denim shorts and a white lacy Hollister tank. I was blessed when it came to hair. I had thick auburn waves that reached halfway down my back. I never did anything to it except brush it. Not wanting fuss over my makeup today I simply applied a bit of mascara to my top lashes and a hint of blush to my cheeks, finishing it off with some clear gloss.

Tossing my wallet, sunglasses, cell phone and lip gloss into a cream, leather purse I thundered down the stairs. I made it to Sarah's house in record time, without even breaking a sweat under the sweltering august sun.

Sarah has been my best friend since the second grade when she cut off Anna Fielding's ponytail for calling me fat. It's true though, I did go through a chubby phase. Of course no one needs to know that.

I turned into Sarah's driveway to find her sitting on her porch swing texting. She was probably talking to Riley, her current boyfriend. That girl goes through boys so fast I sometimes have troubling keeping track of them. I cleared my throat to get her attention.

"Hey girl!" she exclaims and jumps up to give me a hug. We haven't seen each other since before she went to camp last month.

"Miss me?" I ask her teasingly.

"Oh, you know it!" Sarah winks at me.

I look her up and down and nod my head in approval of her outfit. She had on dark wash shorts- but they weren't too short- with a pink vintage tee. Sarah is pretty, but not prettier than me. I think that's part of the reason we get along so well. She has blond hair that's straight as a pin and wicked long legs that make me kind of jealous. She has a tendency the wear a bit to much makeup sometimes though.

Happy to finally be reunited with my best friend, we walked hand in hand to the mall. A huge grin on my face the entire time.

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