Chapter 4

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~Right after Barry and Isabella got struck by lightning~

~Oliver's POV~

I got a call from Isabella. Felicity gave me a look saying that I have to answer it no matter what. "Fine. I hope it's not bad news." I said. The minute I answered it I knew I would regret it. I dropped my phone and ran out to my bike. Next thing I knew Felicity and Diggle came running out as well. I drove us to the train station and got us a ticket to Central City. I knew I should've gone with her. I had a feeling that something bad would've happened to her. "Can this train come faster!!!!" I yelled. People staring at me like I was crazy. "Oliver calm down. Isabella's gonna be there when we get there ok. She's not going anywhere." Diggle said. "I should've gone with her. I should've protected her. Why did I agree to let her go alone." I said pacing the floor. "It wasn't your fault. You didn't know that this was going to happen." Felicity said while placing a hand on my shoulder. "And I just got her back too. I can't believe my sister might be in a coma." I put my head down and sat on the bench. My sister is in a coma. I can't even think of the possibilities of her coming back now. Please God. Please let her live. Please give her back to me. I love my sister more than life. She needs to take care of Thea when I go on stupid missions that would risk my life. I became the Arrow not only for my dad but to protect Isabella and Thea. They are the reason why I fight bad guys and protect Star City. I am trying to make it a better place for them to raise a family and now Isabella might not get the chance to live that life. The train came and I didn't give it another thought but to run onto the train and wish for it to get there fast.

~Timeskip to when they made it to Central City~

We made it to Central City and I am driving the crew to the hospital. My mind was going back to the fact that I never got to really say goodbye to her in person. My last words would've been Night, love you from the night before. I can't even begin to even think of the chances that Isabella might not make it. I pulled up to the hospital and I ran in. "Isabella Anderson." I spoke. "She's in room 125. That would be down this hall to the right and it should be the first door on your left." The receptionist said. "Thank you." Felicity said since I made it a run for it before I could've said anything. Once I made it to her room I walked in and saw my sister. She was hooked up to all the machines in the room and looked really pale. Almost like a ghost. "Isabella." I whispered. I walked up to her and grabbed her hand. When I did I felt a spark shock me. I yanked my hand back and looked at it. There was a little mark of ice on it. I was confused. Isabella doesn't have any powers. Does she? I brushed my hand off and went back to Isabella. "Sis please come back to me." I felt a tear come down my face. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Felicity behind me and Diggle by the door. A female was there with him that I didn't know. "I'm sorry. I just came to check in on Isabella. I'm Iris. I'm the one that called." she said. I nodded my head and she walked in. "Thank you for telling me that this happened. I appreciate it." I said. She replaced the flowers and walked to me. "No problem. You were in her emergency contacts and so I had to since it was an emergency. I didn't know that she knew you." Did Isabella not tell her that I was her brother? "Well she is my sister so she would have me under emergency." Iris looked shocked. "Wait so Isabella is your sister?!?!" I nodded my head.

"She didn't tell me that at all. She never really told me her last name and when they checked the ID it said Anderson." I nodded my head. "We never really got the chance to change it yet." I replied with. "Oh. I'm really sorry that this happened. She. She was just trying to save my best friend." I looked at her confused. "What was she trying to do again?" I asked. "She was trying to save my best friend Barry Allen." She replied again. 'Isabella you're not invincible. You will get hurt. Don't try this again. Please. For me.' Barry Allen. WAIT A MINUTE!!!! Barry's the one that started crushing on Isabella. "Wait Barry's in a coma as well?" Felicity asked. "Yea. He's in the room right next to us." Iris said. I walked out and into Barry's room and when I did he started spazzing and flatlining. "I need help!!! He's flatlining!!!" I screamed. Doctors came into the room and tried to calm him down and bring him back. My sister saved his life in a way. And this is what happened. "Oliver Queen. What an honor to meet you." A voice said from behind me. I turned to see Harrison Wells in a wheelchair. "Mr.Wells nice to meet you." I stuck my hand out for him to shake it.

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