Chapter 6

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~Felicity's POV~

~A few days later~

Finally my day to head to Central City has come. I'm gonna be able to figure out how to help Isabella . I wonder if anyone on Barry's team knows who she is? I know Oliver has had run ins with her a lot and wants to know who she is. He's told me that on the field with her he has the pulling feeling that he has to protect her just like he does with Isabella and Thea. I promised Isabella that I was gonna keep her secret but if one of them knows then I can't deny it. "Isabella I promise that I will figure out a way to keep you from passing out as much and I will figure out a way to keep your suit from freezing up and or catching on fire." I replied as I get on the train. It's gonna be a long train ride. I would call Barry but I overheard that he was gonna be late for work. He's always late and yet he has superspeed. I hung up on Isabella and then started playing some games. She's worried because of the fact that she woke up in the arrow cave after passing out in the field. "Excuse me all passengers, we are gonna be arriving to Central City earlier than we said we would." The train operator announced. I was shocked. If we arrive early then Barry won't be in the lab. We arrived and I headed my way to Central City Police Department.

~Barry's POV~

I was talking with Iris on my way to the lab and telling her that it's a bad idea to be writing about the streak. As we walk through the door I see Felicity sanding in the middle of the lab. She apparently agreed with me. Iris looked at me for an explanation as to who she is. "Felicity is..."I was saying. "The girl that you met in starling city,the computerer, right?"Iris interrupted me. Felicity nodded to approve of what Iris said. "You two worked on one of Barry's unexplainable cases."Iris stated. "Which, long story short, was definitely explainable. so the lightning came through here?"Felicity stated and asked. "Yeah."I agreed. After a while Felicity and I decided to take a walk and we ended up at the park.

"Iris seeme very nice. And really pretty like, super pretty. Congratulations. " Felicity said as we walked through the park. "Well, iris isn't my girlfriend. She just a friend. Who actually has a boyfriend."I shrugged, my mind going to Isabella. "Oh, that's .... Interesting. I guess."Felicity said. "What are you really doing here? I mean it is good to see you. But, do you and oliver need something, or...." I rambled but Felicity cut me off. " No,no I came because I wanted to see you. I heard you were out of the coma. Didn't call, didn't write, didn't race over..." Felicity hinted. DID SHE KNOW ABOUT MY SPEED???? I was confused so I made a face at her. "Oliver told you?" I asked. I know Oliver is good at keeping secrets so that doesn't make sense. "No. Honestly, I heard you talking on that rooftop in star city that night. I want to see it. And by "it" I mean your speed. In case you thought that I was talking about something else which-- I was not. " Felicity rambled. I laughed and smirked. "Okay you see that building."I pointed to the building we were close to. "Yeah." Felicity nodded. "Keep your eyes on it."I said and ran up the building. "WOO-HOO!!" I screamed and ran back to Felicity and gave her back her phone. "whoa, you took a picture of me? From the top of that building?"Felicity gawked. "Yeah. Don't instagram that."I warned.

"Unbelievable."Felicity gawked. I laughed a little. "Your shoes are smoking." Felicity warned. I stomped my feet putting out the fire. "That---that's fine. It's--- Its happens sometimes. It why I have a friction-proof suit" I said with no care. "Where did you get that?"Felicity asked. "I'll show you." I said and grabbed her hands taking her to Star Labs.

"And this is where my team monitors the police bands for criminal activity. We can track anything that is happening in the city. Check this out. We've got our own satellite."I bragged "I know. I have hacked into it from time to time." Felicity shrugged "Rude." Cisco said. "It is, of corus, so good to see you again, Felicity. I am just wondering how much of our operation she needs to know about."Caitlin said. "I am really good at keeping secrets."Felicity claimed. "Felicity works with the Arrow."I blurted out. "Sweet."Cisco whispered. "Which you apparently are not."Felicity glared at me. "Now it is all making sense. You know how the Arrow is. Wait, do you know the arrow is?" Cisco asked.Felicity and I stayed quiet. "uhhh......" I stammered. "Let's just say that my team has a similar set up but with more pointy objects." Felicity claimed. "Welcome Miss Smoke." Wells wheeled in. "DR.Wells? THE DR.Wells?" Felicity fangirled. "Please, call me Harrison, Felicity." Wells said. "Oh, you know who I am?" Felicity asked. "Ranked second in the National Informative Technology Competition at age 19, graduated M.I.T. with a masters degree in cybersecurity and computer sciences. I know who you are. I keep an eye out for promising talent in scientific fields. It's what brought me Cisco, Caitlin, and I foresaw great things from you." Wells explained "Speaking of great things, want to see something cool?" I asked.

I'm in the treadmill room running super fast. "How fast can he run?" Felicity asked. "He hasn't reached his top speed yet, theoretically speaking." Wells explained. "So is he really okay?" Felicity asked concerned. Does she know the girl who has speed? "His heart rate is within the normal range for him," Caitlin said. "No, I mean, the lighting bolt changed him. Do any of you know how much?" Felicity said. "We know a fair amount." Cisco replied. "If everything about him is sped up, is he going to age faster? What would happen if he ran too fast? I mean, would he just be running, and then, poof, he's dust in a red costume??" Felicity worried. "Everything that we do here at star labs is to protect Barry Allen, trust us, Felicity he is in very good hands here." Wells calmly replied. " Want to see how fast I can run backwards?" I yelled and ran backwards. I ended up flying off the treadmill and crashed into the wall of boxes. "Don't worry he heals quickly too."Caitlin said.

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