Chapter 7

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~Felicity's POV~

A while later after the whole Barry crashing into the wall I decided to go and talk to Cisco. My worries for Isabella raising even more. She's my best friend. As well as my boss's sister. She's important to him and I know that everything will change if she disappears. I saw Cisco walking into some room and I decided to pull him over. "Hey Cisco, can we talk for a minute?" I called out. "Yeah, what going on?" Cisco replied. "Can we talk in private?"I asked. "Sure." Cisco nodded. "I need a favour from you and you can't tell Barry or Dr. wells. I know who the girl speedster is." I said. "Oh you mean Isabella Anderson, the Queen's long lost family member." Cisco said. My mouth dropped. "You know?!?!" I asked shocked. "The day we caught Tony, I stayed behind to do something and caught her without her mask on the monitors." Cisco admitted. I nodded my head. "Oh. Well I need help. She's not only a speedster. She has ice powers as well." I said. Cisco looked shocked. "Wait not only a speedster but Ice powers?!?!" Cisco shocked.

I nodded my head and he went and pulled Caitlin into the room. "So she doesn't want Barry or Wells to know but she didn't say anything about you." Cisco said. I explained the whole situation. "So the chick that came with Barry that day was your friend Isabella Anderson aka Isabella Queen? She's a speedster and has ice powers?" Caitlin asked. I explained that this happened after she woke up from her coma. They nodded their heads and we had created a plan. I had to call Isabella to bring her and her friends over to Central City. The ones that were with her when the accelerator exploded. So Ava, and Christy. I called her and put her on speaker.


Me: Hey E can we talk?

Isabella: Sure what' up?

Me: Can you, Christy and Ava come over to Central City?

Isabella: Why what's up?

Me: I just wanna hang out and since I'm in Central City I can't

Isabella: Oh well I can ask the girls about coming over.

Me: Really? Will Oliver allow that?

Isabella: Let me go ask Oliver.

Me: Ok.

Isabella: Hey Ollie!

Oliver: Yea what's up sis?

Isabella: Fel wants to know if I can go over to Central City to hang out.

Oliver: As long as you're safe. Call me if anything happens.

Isabella: Ollie you know I would.

Oliver: I know but still. I don't want what happened 9 months ago happening again.

Isabella: I know. I swear it won't happen again.

Oliver: I hope that's true.

Isabella: It is. Ollie I swear.

Oliver: Ok. Still be careful. Stay with Barry. I love you.

Isabella: Well I'll be with Felicity as well. Love you too.

Me: Barry would be happy to see you.

Isabella: Felicity you know I'm dating Jackson.

Me: But still Barry is your friend.

Isabella: Felicity I'm only gonna go to hang out with you and probably hang out with Jackson as well

Me: Wow I see your priorities are in order.

Isabella: Yea I love you and I wanna see my boyfriend who is a cop.

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