One Sided (5)

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Ten Ten POV
What is wrong with me? I had to go and mess everything up.. I usually don't get mad like this. What ticked inside my head to make me do those things to Gaara. I didn't mean them! I never wanted to hurt him or Lee. I was just a jealous bitch. I've always been. First, it was Naruto, then he got with Sasuke. I blocked out Lee's real self. Maybe it was better that he broke up with me...
I didn't sleep with those thoughts in my head. All I feel is guilt and pain. I dig my nails into my arms until they bleed. 'I deserve this'. I walk into the bathroom and cover up my eye bags with makeup, I arrange my hair up into two buns. I get a long sleeve pink shirt out of my closet with some black leggings.
I grab some of Lee's old bandage he left at my house a long time ago and wrap where I had left marks and cuts. I make it to school a little later and meet Lee at his locker.
"What is it you want, Ten Ten?" he says with a stern voice. "I-i wanted to apologize.. I don't wanna get back with you. I think you should find a gi- I mean a guy better than me." He looks at me with a surprised face.
"Well. I guess I can forgive you.." he hugs me. "I should have never put you through this.." I whimper. "It is alright... If you want, I can take you to apologize to Gaara."

Gaara POV
I notice Lee and Ten heading my way. Strange, I thought they broke up. I thought Ten hated me? TenTen doesn't make eye contact with me even when she starts talking. "G-Gaara, I wanted to apologize from before.." I nod. "I was angry and couldn't control myself. It would have been better if I just left." she walks away.
"Wait! Thank you, TenTen.." she smiles at me and continues. I notice her grip on her arm got tighter and she looked down.
"Lee?" "Yes, Gaara?" He looks down at me. "Is she gonna be fine?" he gives me a sad look. "Yeah, I think she will." We walk away and look for Naruto and Sasuke. We notice him in a little group.
One guy has red triangles on his face with a sharp tooth. The other has a spikey ponytail and was slouching. The last was a little short fat guy. Sasuke wasn't with them so we just walk up.
"Hey Bushy Brows! Hey Gaara!" The spikey ponytail guy looks up at us. "Don't be troublesome," he mumbles. The dog boy jumps up. "Hey, finally got over your breakup, Lee?" he looks down at me and I cover my face. "Well yeah. I talked to Ten earlier and she apologized."
"Oh yeah, Gaara. This is Kiba, Shikamaru and Chouji." Lee tells me. Kiba walks up to me and observes. "He's got some pretty hair. Reminds me of Akamaru's fur!" he pats my head. "Are you and Lee together?" I shake my head.
"Why does everyone think that?" I say. "You guys are always together. I've barely seen Bushy Brows since you guys met!" Lee blushes along with me. Shikamaru yawns. "Relationships are such a drag, they're overrated." I look at Shika. "You seem familiar. Do you know Temari?"
He slouches more. "Yeah, so what?" "She told me that she thinks your cute.." Shikamaru looks away trying to hide his blush. "Troublesome Woman.."
he grumbles. Everyone laughs at the joke. "I'm hungry." Says the fat one. "Yeah, me too! Wanna skip with us, Lee and Gaara?"
Lee plays with his fingers. "I don't know.. My dad wouldn't be okay with me skipping.." Naruto puts his hand on his shoulder. "It'll be fine, Lee!"
"ok, i guess.." We head out and go to some random ramen place that Naruto likes. I don't order anything as I'm trying to lose weight. Lee doesn't mind as I did this last time.
"So.. Where did you come from?" Kiba asks me. "Suna, it's like a little dessert place. After my parents died I moved here with my siblings." They all have sympathetic looks on there face. "Oh. I've lived in Konoha my whole life!" Kiba shouts.

I zone out a bit but I notice Kiba and Gaara talking. Gaara is a bit antisocial so it's weird for him to be talking to a very sociable Kiba.
Chouji and Shikamaru are to busy eating to socialize. Chouji is racking up the bill by ordering a ton. "so who's gonna pay?" I chime in. Almost as a coincidence, Naruto's favorite teacher/Father figure pops in. "Hey guys!"
He still has that same scar he had from elementary. He had similar hair to Shikamaru but obviously had taken time on it. "Iruka-Sensei!" Naruto hugs him. I notice Gaara look at him. "How is everyone, I've seen Naruto a lot, but never seen anyone else since Academy!"
Kiba jumps on Iruka-Sensei's back. "Still a trouble maker, Kiba?" he pulls him off. "At least I have good grades!" he shouts. "It's nice to see your all still friends. Now, who is this boy?" He points at Gaara. " oh! That's Gaara!" "He comes from Suna!"
Iruka-Sensei's pays for the food and we all continue having a good time. It turns dark and we all split. "Bye Naruto, Kiba, Shikamaru and Chouji!" Me and Gaara head somewhere more private to talk.
We end up on a little hill. We lay down and look at the sky. The city lights were beautiful at night. Mixes of blue and purple in the sky, with the cities bright yellow lights mixed perfectly together.
"I an so full!!" I say. Gaara lays a hand on his stomach, it growls. "How long has it been since you've eaten a full meal, Gaara?" he turns away.
"Two weeks.." "Two weeks?! Gaara, you have to eat!" I lift up his shirt and reveal his ribs. "You are really skinny! How about you stay at my house and I will make you some food!" Gaara jerks his shirt down. "I don't need it.." I lift him up and carry him bridal style.
"W-what are you doing, Lee?!" he yelps. "Helping you!" I walk all the way to my house with a blushing Gaara. My father meets us at the door.
"Lee! What are you doing out so late! And who is this?" "Father! This is Gaara. He is staying the night here! Can you please cook us something?" I notice Gaara covering his ears. We aren't that loud are we? I haul him up to my room. Gaara already texted Temari and his Brother.
"Do you like my room?" I ask. "Yes. It's very nice, but did you really have to go this far." "My room is not that decorated.." he shakes his head and gives off a soft smile. "No, I mean, did you really have to get me to stay with you?" I give a big grin right back. "Anything for a friend!" He blushes. Father shouts that the food is done.
We both head down and sit at the table. Gaara grabs the fork with his unsteady hand. "It's alright, Gaara." He picks up a piece and eats it. I notice him slowly chewing it then swallow. "That wasn't too bad." He eats a good portion and moves on. We head back up the stairs.
"So, I mostly do not have a lot to do. I do have Wii Fitness though!" I pull out my Wii and we play a couple rounds of Tennis before going to sleep. We sleep the same way as the night he stayed at my house.

Gaara's Mind and POV
I set up and see a giant sand raccoon standing above me locked in a cage. "Not this again.." I mumble. "Well Well, we talk again. It's been awhile Gaara." I sit with my legs crossed and my arms crossed. "What do you want Shukaku?" he gives off a terrifying laugh. "Oh, weak-minded Gaara-Kun Isn't it obvious what i want- my subconscious is stopped by a soothing familiar voice. "Calm down, Gaara-Kun" "It's Okay" I shift back into sleep.

( Update: Grammar, Speech and changed some things. )

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