Chapter 3 Trauma and heartbreak

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Several weeks later...

   Get up, have breakfast, get ready, go to hospital, go back home, go to sleep, repeat. This was the routine for a black hedgehog and a young fox, their blue hedgehog friend was still in the hospital, unresponsive. While his physical injuries seems to be healing gradually, he was still unable to wake up and was still depending on life support. He looked very small and frail, It seems that anything can hurt him now.

In Sonic's hospital room:

Shadow: *reading newspaper* ...

Tails: *looking at the window* Hey Shadow, how's your arm feeling?

Shadow: Heh, I can't complain. Is doing it's job, though since it recovered it feels a bit stiff. Nothing like a workout can't fix.

Tails: *smiling* hehe, glad you're feeling better.

Shadow: *nods* yeah...

Tails: Hey, have you heard any new on Sonic?

Shadow: *looking at Sonic* All I heard was besides his burns being healed his fracture ribs would be healed like next week hopefully, his legs still needs like 3 more weeks to heal. Other than that, everything remains the same sadly.

Tails: * a bit sad* I see... well, I hope he gets better soon. I want him to be back to normal so he can run to his heart's content, wouldn't you agree?

Shadow: * having some bad and sad thoughts* Yeah, I can't wait either buddy. Hopefully he'll be better soon.

Tails: *happy* Hehe, yeah. You know, I miss hearing his voice. Is foreign to me seeing him right now in this state, in my head this looked impossible.

Shadow: *observing Sonic & Tails* ...  I know Tails... I know

    After their little chat, Shadow & Tails proceeded to do their own thing with the occasional small talk. Tails seemed to be in a better mood lately, Shadow intends to keep it that way. He tried his best to show his best face to the young fox by hiding his suffering from the young boy. In the long run this may have consequences for him but, the dark hedgehog didn't care. As long the young fox wasn't sad or upset inside the circumstances, he didn't care about himself.

   While his intentions are genuine, it still rare for him to do this due to his grumpy and sometimes sarcastic personality. It seems he's growing on to people? Or does he now actually considers Tails & Sonic as very close family?

   Later in the afternoon...

Shadow: *looking at the time* Hey Tails, I need to go early today to do some errands. Would you be ok on your own?

Tails: Yeah, I'll be ok don't worry about it.

Shadow: Alright, here's my jacket. You can keep for today, it looks like is going to be very cold today, I don't want you to get a cold.

Tails: Thanks Shadow but, what about you? Aren't you gonna be cold when you head out.

Shadow: Nah, I'm the ultimate life form, besides I have my scarf anyway.

Tails: Ok, just be careful out there.

Shadow: Of course, see you tomorrow buddy.

Tails: See ya!

    Shadow wrapped his neck with his scarf and proceeded to head  out but not before giving a last look to Sonic. Once out of the hospital he proceeded to go back home, it was indeed very cold outside. Honestly, it didn't matter to Shadow, he was used to handle and tolerate hot or cold temperatures.

   The dark hedgehog took the scenery route through a park on his way home. Along the way saw kids playing, some families hanging out and something that truly surprised him. A young blue hedgehog running around and playing.

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