Chapter 1: First Encounter

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A/N: I couldn't find a picture of them both as kids so I just used this one since it looked cool. Please imagine them as kids ( ^_- )
"C'mon brother. Wake up, it's time for school." A tall man with silver hair said as he shook his younger brother. "I'm up. Where's Zeldris?" the young child with blond hair asked. "He's in the restroom preparing for school. He has to wake up before you." the man answered. "I can't wait 'til I'm as old as him. Then I'll be stronger than him and you, Estarossa!" The child beamed with a smile.

"Whatever you say runt." Estarossa replied as he ruffled the blond's hair. As he got up, his stomach was filled with butterflies. "Oh man. First day of second grade. I hope it's not harder than first grade." The boy thought out loud. "Meliodas! I'm done, so you can come in!" a male voice called from upstairs. Meliodas energetically bolted up the stairs and almost tore the door from its hinges. "G'morning Zeldris! Is this year gonna be hard?" Meliodas asked as he pouted. "Shouldn't be much harder than last year. It starts getting hard when you get my age." the black-haired teen joked with his younger brother.

"If you have any problems, come tell me or big brother Estarossa! Got it?" Zeldris asked sternly. "Yesh." Meliodas childishly said. "And remember. No one can know you're a demon or that your family are all demons." Zeldris continued. "I know brother! I'm not seven anymore!" The younger brother said with a smile.

Zeldris couldn't help but return the smile at his brother's heartwarming personality and gentle smile. "Good. Now hurry up and finish so you can come down and eat breakfast. You wouldn't want to go to school on your first day with an empty stomach." He joked. "Okay brother!" Meliodas smiled. He sped through brushing his teeth and washing his face. Should I brush my hair? Nah! I don't feel like it. He thought to himself as he sped down the stairs faster than he ascended them.

"Finally done huh? Sit down and eat. You only have ten minutes before we have to leave." Estarossa warned. As Meliodas looked at the food before him, he couldn't help but drool all over the table. In front of him sat, four french toast sticks, two pieces of toast with grape jelly smeared across them, scrambled eggs (just the way he liked them) bacon, and a full cup of orange juice. He looked at the clock. Eight minutes left.

He scarfed the food down as quick as could, ignoring table manners in fear of running out of time. After finishing, he almost choked due to the speed at which he ate. Before either of his older brothers could interfere, he took down all the orange juice in one swig. He laughed as he saw he saw their reaction to his antics. "You have such a huge stomach for such a small child." Estarossa joked. "Time to go." Zeldris reminded his brothers. "Thanks for reminding me. In the car guys." Estarossa instructed.

Inside the car, Meliodas couldn't help but wiggle and squirm the trip to his school. Please let the kids here be nice! Please! Meliodas thought as he exited the car. "Have a good day bro! Remember what I told you!" Zeldris reminded him before they drove off to Zeldris' school.

After being guided to his class, Meliodas was sat next to a girl with silver hair who gave him a weird feeling. He didn't know her and yet he wanted to.....hurt her. No....kill her. Little did he know that she got the same feeling. The class teacher, Mr. Hendrickson said, "Okay class! Since today is the first day, you guys have the first thirty minutes off class to get to know your partner sitting next to you." After finishing, he went to his desk and began making creative assignments for the class.

"H-Hi. I'm Elizabeth. D-Do I know you?" The silver haired girl asked Meliodas. "No? Why would you think that?" Meliodas asked the girl, scared that they actually knew each other but he forgot her. "Being near you makes me feel weird. It makes me feel....bad." She said dropping her head a little. "You too? You've been giving me bad feelings too. I'm Meliodas by the way." He said extending his hand to greet her.

She smiled and outreached her own hand to shake his. "It's weird that we give each other bad feelings. I like everyone and don't wanna hurt anyone but..." she trailed off. "It's okay. I feel the same. Wanna be friends?" Meliodas asked with the smile his brothers fell in love with. "S-sure, i-if you r-really w-want to." She replied with her face showing a hint of pink in her cheeks. "Huh? Why's your face turning pink?" Meliodas asked obliviously.

Instead of answering his question, she hid her face as the pink darkened. Girls are weird. He thought to himself. The pair sat in silence until the time was up. Meliodas stopped talking because he thought he somehow upset her but she stopped talking because she was scared to show her face and extremely embarassed. "Alright kids! Time for recess!" Mr. Hendrickson said with a grin. The kids happily ran outside.

"Elizabeth. Wanna play with me?" Meliodas asked with his signature smile. "S-Sure. What do you w-want to p-play?" she asked nervously. Before he could answer, a group of boys came up and pushed Elizabeth onto the ground. She scraped her knee and began to cry as she curled up in a ball. "Ha! That's what you get for playing with boys! Girls should play with girls and boys play with boys!" a boy with a hairstyle mimicking Elvis Presley said. "Yeah! That'll teach ya!" a boy with a pink bowl-cut instigated. There was another boy but he said nothing. He simply stood there looking disappointed at his friends' actions.

Frozen in shock, Meliodas had to process what just happened. Part of him was happy that it happened and wanted her to hurt some more. Ashamed of his body's thoughts, he ran to Elizabeth and kneeled down to her. "Are you okay? Please be okay Elizabeth! You're my only friend." he began to beg. "I-I'll be f-fine. J-Just give m-me two m-minutes and I-I'll be f-fine. I'm a g-goddess after a-all." she bragged. Did she say...goddess? Zeldris said that they're intention is to kill us for no reason. Is that why his body liked seeing her hurt? Wait! There's no time for this! Meliodas scolded himself. He stood up witb his back facing the trio while steadily shaking.

"C'mon man. You can play with us now! Are you shaking out of joy? I mean, we did save you!" the pink-haired male mocked. Without realizing it, Meliodas began to give off murderous intent. He turned to them and smirked. "Saved me? Thank you but..." his smirk turned into an infuriated frown. "Touch her again and I'll kill you! I don't want your pathetic 'help.' Leave us alone." After finishing, the furious Meliodas made his way back to Elizabeth. "Let's go. I'll take you inside." Meliodas whispered as he helped her limp into the building.

After gaining distance from her bullies, Meliodas returned to his usual goofy self. "What happened to being a goddess? I thought you'd be fine by now." He teased. "S-Shut up. I-I'm still a-adjusting to m-my powers." she replied with another light shade of pink staining her face. "Why's your face pink again? Are you a chameleon?" He asked seriously. "O-Of course not!" She barked back with a slight red forming in her cheeks. Liar. Meliodas thought to himself.

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