Uncertainty Of Spoken Word

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     The three boys trudged along with the very strange woman across the plains of this very strange land. They continued to make guesses as they walked across the silk gross glossed by the golden sun, but no guesses could explain how they had woken up there. The progressively growing pile of questions being thrown around by the four seemed to work it's way through HInata's brain, down his throat, then landed in  the pit of his stomach.

     "So," he paused for a moment, letting his word float into the sky, "No one has any real ideas." He began to feel sick to his stomach.

     "Nope, no idea other than a rumor." Hanji spoke up, as she scratched the back of her hand.

     "A Rumor?" Tanaka piped in. "You guys ran out here with your jet packs and grappling hooks on a rumor?"

     "I'm not sure what a jet pack is, but yeah. There were rumors bouncing around about this day. Some said dangerous travelers would appear in the woods a little past noon. Others talked about a trade taking place, one that could break our world and bring down our walls."

     What Hanji had just relayed to the teens held absolutely no meaning to the dense three. Thoughts of all things relevant and not rush through their minds. Although HInata still didn't really comprehend anything of what took place, no one did. 

     Hinata stopped in his tracks, and gripped the growing pain in his torso. Like someone had just ripped off his arms, his joints ached. His stomach swirled in a violent manner. Terror clutched his heart, squeezing his life form at will. In a flash Hinata had fallen to his knees, and Kageyama had quickly rushed to his side. 

     "Something happened to them, I can feel it." the ginger choked out from his swolen, sandpaper throat.

     "To who?" Kageyama asked, truthfully scared of what his hitter would say next.

     "To our friends, Kageyama. They are hurting."

     It had only been a few minutes after the small group had stopped their journey to what Hanji insisted would be a safe place. Hinata lay quietly shaking in Kageyama's arms. Tanaka sat near the two, observing the land around them. Dark wood trees clustered together in patches across the bright green grass. Hills were scattered along the horrizons to his right and left, the lingering forest stood tall and confident behind him. infront of Tanaka sat Hanji staring right at the forest. on her face sat a look of suspicion, and vague confusion. 

     "What are you thinking about ma'am? Miss? Sir? General? uhhh Mrs. Hanji?" Tanaka blurted, Kageyama fired arrows with his eyes towards the awkward baldy.

     "Just Hanji." She let out an uncharacteristic sigh. "My friends and I split up to cover as much ground about this whole scenario. I Just hope they are all okay." Her face fell slightly, only for a second before her smiley personality hit her again. She perked up again and looked toward Hinata and Kageyama. Hinata had stopped crying. However his eyes gleamed a dusty pink, Hinata moved his hands, reaching up to rub his soiled face. He stood up and bowed slightly toward Hanji.

     "I'm sorr-"

     He was cut off by the loud pounds against the Earth they had heard before.

     "Run to those trees over there. I'll draw it's attention and kill it." She giggled a little then turned her focus.

     The volleyball players turned toward the sound rupturing thumps. As soon as they saw the horrific sight they all spun on their heels, and bolted for the gathering of trees and bushes.


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