We Missed You

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After a quick ride we entered the living room, everyone in varying degrees of confusion. Most looked like they hadn't slept in a long time, most of all was Mister Clint. With a warm smile Master let his voice carry, not bothered that it cracked with emotion.

"She's awake!"

All members turned to see me, I could see tears gathering in their eyes. I wave with a soft smile.

"Hi, everybody."

In seconds Mister Burse was by my side, he had dark bruises under his eyes and his face was unkempt.

"Oh thank god you're ok! I did everything I could and I'm relieved we saved you."

I looked to Master confused, didn't he say his magic saved me? As always Master could sense my question.

"While I was able to replenish your magic you still sustained great damage in battle. He saved your body while I mended your soul."

Mister Tony stepped up next, running a hand through my hair.

"I bought the best medical equipment in the world to help. I'm not good at this emotional stuff so I helped the best way I knew I could."

I turn and gave him a beaming smile, one he happily returned. We walk over to the couch where a nest of blankets and pillows sat, perfectly made. Master placed me down in the mound of soft fabric.

"I've been working on this little spot ever since we got you stable."

I looked at Miss Nat and her eyes had fresh tears in them, her hair a nest of tangles. It was Mister Steve next and in his hand, he held a small stuffed rabbit.

"I thought it would be nice if you had something to hold close when you felt sad. Everyone pitched an idea for this little guy, feel free to keep him with you anytime you need it."

I wasted no time pulling the stuffed companion into my arms, holding him close and earning an aww from everyone in the room. I looked at the plush bunny with a soft smile.

"Thank you, I'm going to call him Patton."

"Any reason?"

I look to Mister Tony shaking my head.

"Nope, I just like the name."

Master chuckled and ruffled my hair. I look over and see Mister Clint approaching. He looked exhausted, his glasses were gone and his clothes dirty.


He looked away, almost embarrassed.

"I took care of your garden while you were asleep."

My eyes widened. I knew my garden took a lot of work. Mister Clint was the only one I let in there after he helped me all that time ago. From behind him he pulled a picture and handed it to me. It showed the poppy he helped me replant on that fateful day. I kept it in that pot, even with more space and nutrients it still struggled to survive. 

I had to fight every day to keep it alive. The picture showed the same poppy standing proudly in the shining sun, its freshly watered petals shimmering in the sun. I didn't know I was crying till I saw a drop on the picture. without a thought I launched myself at Mister Clint, warping my legs around his waist and holding onto him for all I was worth.

"Thank you, thank you so much. You don't know how much this means to me."

He just smiled and held me, finally letting his tears fall.

His Pet, His ProtectorWhere stories live. Discover now