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Kyle wasn't here. It seems like he's never here. Or like he should be here more often, at least. Hayden was at it again. Today, it was in the hallway at school. I was simply getting my books out of my lockers when I heard "Hey, geek." "What do you want Hayden?" you see, I wasn't the kind of person to let people walk over me. Until it came to my bullies. Then I would never speak up. Unless it was Hayden, then I could talk to him 'cause I was so used to him. He was like my brother. Who hated me and was dedicated to making my high school experience torture. "Don't talk to me like that, you think you're all special 'cause you skipped a grade, because you're brother is popular, it doesn't matter. It all comes down to the fact that your a nerdy little-" "Hey, Hayden ready to go?" Kyle showed up right then, him and Hayden were going out to lunch. "Yeah, dude let's go. I was just letting Paige know where we'd be." Hayden replied, so innocently it made me sick to my stomach. I was literally gagging and my face was probably green. Apparently it was. "What's wrong?" Kyle asked me. I couldn't speak. I just shook my head and started coughing frantically. "Nurse" was all I was able to choke out. Of course, Hayden jumped at the offer to get me alone, aka make me feel even worse than I already did. "I'll take her to the nurse and meet you at the car in 10, okay Kyle?" He said. "Sure, man, see ya then." Kyle said. Dang it. As we started walking away, Hayden looked at me. "I'm so glad you're sick, you really should eat less, throw up more, whatever, you're fat anyways." I knew I wasn't fat. But I love Hayden so much. I knew I wasn't fat. But I believed him. I believed him because I loved him.
The nurse sent me home, and I was laying in bed all day. Finally, Kyle and Hayden got home and brought an extremely welcome surprise. He was who I had needed to see all day. There was a knock on my door and I heard "Hello?" I recognized his voice immediately and instantly felt a little better. "Jace! come in, oh my gosh I'm so glad you're here." He came up and wrapped me in a hug. "What did Hayden do this time, babe?" "Nothing more than usual. I think I ate something bad, anyways. I haven't been feeling well since last night." I explained. Jace was the only one who knew how Hayden really was and he was also the only one who knew my feelings for Hayden.
"I'm so sorry. Why do you even like him? He's nothing but a jerk who you're way to good for." Jace said. I guess Hayden heard from the hallway because after Jace said that, he burst into my room. Luckily for me, Kyle was right behind him, so he didn't have the opportunity to be a jerk. "What do you guys want?" Jace asked, ruder than necessary. "Just wanted to be annoying, I guess" Kyle responded. "Well, you do that well." I mumbled. As they walked out Hayden muttered in my ear, "you really think you're too good for me? I'll show you." I was honestly, not scared. Not intimidated. Just pissed off that Kyle didn't understand why I did what I did that night, after Jace left.

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