My name is Paige Duncan. I am 15. My brother is Kyle Duncan. He is 16. His best friend is Hayden MacMillan. He is also 16. My best friend is Jace Houston. He is, just as Kyle and Hayden, 16. I started school one year early, putting me in the same grade as my older brother. I was the youngest in the sophomore class, quite petite, and short. The only thing I had going for me was that my brother was the starring quarterback on the football team, and his best friend was a linebacker. Everyone knew Kyle, everyone knew Hayden, too. My best, and only, might I add, friend, Jace, was on the basketball team and everyone knew him as well. Therefore, everyone knows me. I hate being popular, I hate being well-known. It's annoying, especially when I hate most everyone who goes to this school. I am extremely smart, however. I read in all of my spare time and have had straight-A's my entire life. So yeah, I was well-known, but I was also picked on. A lot. What's wrong with being smart? I have no idea. But apparently it's a crime. Kyle is very protective of me, an when he found out that I cut myself before he broke down into tears, wondering what he could do to help his "baby sister." But I'm not a baby and I can take care of myself. If Kyle cared about me so much, how could he not see it? How could he not tell that Hayden was the cause? Hayden acted so innocent around Kyle. He was laid back, they played video games, we are pizza, it was fun. Until Kyle would leave, even for the tiniest bit. Whenever me and Hayden were alone, I would hear "fat, ugly, stupid, annoying, suicidal, attention seeker" and so much more. And I wanted to tell Kyle. I really did. He would beat Hayden to a pulp. And wouldn't you think I want that? I don't. I am unconditionally, completely, 100% in love with Hayden MacMillan. I have been since he came over to hang out with Kyle for the first time, 7 years ago. So no, I wouldn't like to watch Kyle kick Hayden's butt. What I want is for Kyle to see me how I see him. But since that will never happen in a million years, this is how my story goes...
a/n: wooooooo!!!!!! Chapter one complete!! I have such high hopes for this story, I hope it turns out well!! plz read ilyasm!

It Always Will Be You
Roman pour AdolescentsI was just a nerd. And he was the star football player. He was so hot, but he was such a jerk. He's my brothers best friend, but my brother doesn't know that his friend is the reason for the scars hidden under my bracelets. I wanted him desperately...