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☆*:.。. o➖o .。.:*☆

"you're sweeter than ice cream,
that melts me.
Baby you melt me with your smile and words.
I see only you, tell me you love me."

*:.. oo ..:*


"Hmph~ this is the best flavor of ice cream ever!", you squealed out of excitement.

I could only chuckle at your cuteness.

"Tzuyu-ah! Taste this!", you suggested.

You scooted closer to me then made me taste your strawberry ice cream.

"Amphhh~ that's...sweet and tasty.", I replied.

You just smiled at me.

"But you're the only one who's sweet towards me.", you said.

I blushed at your statement then your cute giggle was heard.

"I'm like an ice cream, Sana-ya. You melt me with your smile and words.", I stated.

Making you the one to blush.

"Hmph~ that's...too sweet Tzuyu-ah!", you then pouted.

"You're too cute to handle Ms. Cutie pie. Now, let's head back to our homes then rest. Today's a tiring day..", I told you.

We spent the rest of the remaining time of ours by talking and laughing.

"Hey Tzuyu, have you felt those butterflies in your stomach whenever you're around the person you like or love?", you asked suddenly.

"Oh, yeah. Always..", I replied then chuckled awkwardly.

"Okay then..see you tomorrow then. Have a good night to you Tzuyu-ah!", you bid.

"Yeah, you too. Bye. I see you, tell me you love me.", I whispered the last words to myself.

"I love you!", you shouted before going in your house.

That's too surprising but...

"I love you more!", I answered then you flew a kiss to me.

{chapter 6 is coming up...}

Melting « SaTzu Where stories live. Discover now