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☆*:.。. o➖o .。.:*☆

"just think about what you like.
what should I do?"

☆*:.。. o➖o .。.:*☆


"Ugh! My perfume is empty now!", I heard you groaned in frustration.

"Want me to buy you a new one?", I asked.

"Umm- nah. It's okay Tzu. I'll just go buy it myself..", you answered.

"Ya sure?", I furrowed my brow then you nodded.

"Fine...", I said and you just flashed me a small smile.

Next Day..

"Darn it!", you were reaaaallly frustrated.

"Why?", I asked

"Oh– nothing Tzu..darn it! My money is still not enough for me to buy a new one..", you whispered the last statement.

I heard it so I turned my gaze on you.

An idea popped up in my mind.

Next day..

"Sana-ya, come here.", you obeyed and went to me.

"Yes? Anything you want Tzu?", you asked and I shook my head.

", I'll go take my leave. Bye~", I said and gave you the box.

I was going to go out the door but then..

I felt your soft arms hugging my waist.

"Hey...why?", I asked.

You just snuggled closer then turned me around, making me face you.

"I don't know how to thank you've done many things towards me. Many things..I don't know how to thank you now...", your tears fell down to your beautiful face.

"Hey..Shhh~ don't cry's fine.", I said and hugged you tightly.

{chapter 11, coming...}

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