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☆*:.。. o➖o .。.:*☆

"you're sweeter than ice cream,
that melts me.
I hear your voice."

*:.. oo ..:*


"The best thing I ever did, was that I met you. (was that I met you. was that I met you.) The best thing I never did, was that I broke up with you, and that I am still with you~", your angelic voice sang.

"All I wanna do, all I wanna do. Just like this, like this, like this, like this, the two of us together~", you continued to sing it.

There I once saw you looking at me while singing that then smiled after.

You really melt me like I'm an ice cream just by your sweet, angelic, and soothing voice.

Once I heard you finished singing, I clapped my hands then you giggled.

"You did great Ms. Cutie pie. I never knew that you could sing like a living angel.", I stated then you cuddled with me.

"Thank you Tzuyu-ah. That song was for you actually hehe..", you said.

"How so?", I asked.

"Because the best thing I ever did, was that I met you. You've became a part of my life. You've been there in my hard and dark days. When I'm alone and sad, you're there by my side Tzuyu-ah.", you replied.

"Aww~ I didn't know that. But, I'm lucky to have you as well my cute squirrel..", I said then kissed you on your cheek.

You flinched a bit then looked at me.

"Yah! It's your first time kissing me..That's really surprising of you Ms. Savage Chou..", you said.

I could just chuckle.

"Whatever Ms. Cutie pie~", then the both of us spent the rest of the day cuddling with each other.

{chapter 7, next...}

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