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☆*:.。. o➖o .。.:*☆

"Oh baby~
Perhaps you might be waiting for me.
Perhaps you might want to see me."

*:.. oo ..:*


It's been 2 days of not seeing each other because of my bad condition.

I've stayed at my home because of my high temperature.

If you know how much I missed you already.

"Tzuyuuuuu!~", I heard your sweet voice called me.

I turned my way to look at you.

You went in my room and closed the door slowly.

"Oh- how I've missed you!", you said and gave me a hug.

"Yahhhh! You're so hot!", you flinched.

"Yeah..I've been having a high temperature for the past 2 days...", I told you.

"Are you feeling alright now?", you worriedly asked.

"Uh- yeah, I'm fine now. I just saw your beautiful face so..I think I'm healed now..", I said and you smacked my head lightly.

"Pabo-ya. I'm serious here!", you then crossed your arms.

"Sorry but I'm just stating facts, miss bossy..", I stated.

You giggled and hugged me once again.

"I've been wanting to see you but you're not appearing...", you said.

"I'm glad to know..everything's alright now, since you're here with me..", I snuggled more closer to you.

{chapter 10, coming up...}

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