Chapter 5

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It had been a few days since Clementine had arrived at the concrete prison, more formerly referred to as Ericson's.Since then, she had gotten to know her fellow...prisoners more.Mainly her roommates, them being Brody, Minnie and Violet.The three had been welcoming in such a cruel place and Clementine was grateful, she needed the girl support in this kind of place.As well as the positive daydreaming of Brody's after a soul-sucking grey day.It was a surprise how quickly she warmed up to everyone, considering her life experiences.

Of course, she had other friends other than her roommates.There was still Marlon, Ruby and the rest of the group from that night of cards, as well as a few others.

Speaking of that night, Louis' promise still rung in Clem's head regularly.She had to know whether AJ was okay or not, she was his mother-figure all of his life and some kind of maternal instinct had developed with that.She needed to see him.



Breakfast had been the same plain thing the past three days and even Clementine could admit it had started to bore her taste buds, how can there be nothing to improve a pile of cabbage?More importantly, how did the so called "Government" not have something to improve life in such a depressing place?

But back to the point, the only interesting thing about breakfast was that Mitch was back.Great right? But the issue was that he had barely spoke.A few mumbled "hi's" and sad remarks, tears brimming his eyes now and then.It was heartbreaking to see, and not only for Clementine, the whole group were worried.The once quiet yet hot-headed friend of theirs was timid and upset, doing nothing but whispering the whole day, and even that was a rare phenomenon.Something had to be done.


The day after Mitch's return wasn't much more interesting, he was still lonely and quiet, and still barely reacted to his friends' chatter.The only thing that made a difference was when Ruby had a private word with him, during the thirty minute break after dinner.She had led him to one of the towering walls and questioned his sadness, from Clementine's angle, it looked like he had ignored Ruby, turns out he had actually spilt out the story.

He had been dragged from the canteen to the cages, been left try and defend himself as guards upon guards beat him.

Day after day.
Until they finally broke him.
But not with beatings.
But with news.

"Willy is dead." Ruby whispered in a hushed tone, sadness lacing her words. "They killed him after he got caught making a bomb, told Mitch about it."

The group of teens seemed to gasp in unison.Well, all except for Clementine that is,who stood with a raised eyebrow in confusion.

"This might be a bad time but, who's Willy?"

Glimmering eyes gazed around the other teens, but it's Marlon who took the responsibility to explain.

"He...Was Mitch's adoptive brother, really.They weren't related, just met during all of...This" Marlon lifted a hand and swiftly gestured around him, to signify the apocalypse.

"He was a mini Mitch, to put it simply." Louis butted in, with a sad smile, which caused the few whose eyes had teared to smile along with him.

"Ya right there, love.Made bombs, snapped back, very protective of those he loved.."Ruby reminisced, as annoying as he was, he was still a sweetheart.

"You think it's true?"
Violet pushed off the tall fencing with her arms crossed. "If he was dead, they would've shown Mitch the body.Or even the skull if it was awhile ago, there's no way he's dead."

The rest of the adolescents were skeptical of Violet's idea.They had no reason to not believe the officers.


The moon shone against the dark velvet sky coldly, sending beams of milky white light across the concrete building.Inside one of the adult cells, angry voices whispered against the grey walls.

"Louis you-you idiot!" Aasim's hushed voice echoed in the small room, bouncing from wall to wall to wall.
"Clem's gonna be devastated!And after you promised her that.." Brody shook her head, stilling her nervous breaths by twisting the pocketknife she had in her hand idly.
"I know!I know, alright!?" Louis snapped from his bed, shaking his head as Mitch mumbled. "...You think it's him?"
"I...It sounds like it."Marlon replied, running a hand through his blonde, rat-like hair. "Should we tell her?" Brody muttered, lining up the knife with the small window's lock, as she prepared to make her getaway.

Marlon wrapped an arm around Brody in a side hug before replying silently.
"Not yet.Later."

"How the fuck am I meant to hide this from her?Im in her cell! She trusts me.."
And with that Brody opens the window using her pocketknife, flashing Louis a comforting smile as it creaks open.The girl climbed out of it, quickly running over the roof back to the girl's cells.

Within the empty silence, Aasim's voice speaks, laced with undertones of anger.

"You really fucked up this time Louis."

"I know."


Hi! 👋

I know this is shorter than short but yeahhhh, it's really just here to budge the story along some more and yeah.My writing's shit anyways and I really did try to elongate this chapter as much as possible.Anyways, thanks for reading and remember to leave a vote and comment to motivate me to write more.Also!

We hit over 100 reads so THANK YOU! 🎉

Bai, thanks y'all👋❤️❤️

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