Like every morning, I get up very early, long before the sunrise. It's the only way to reach the Lagoon of the Rising Sun on time. I look around me, resting my eyes on the well known rooms and objects, as if to say goodbye. For some reason, I feel like I won't be coming back home...
Trying to forget the strange feeling, I join my sisters. Together, we leave our home while it's still night, and the impenetrable darkness reigns both above, and under the water. The place we need to visit isn't very distant, but it's not too easy to reach. Going there every morning is our duty, a sacrifice to one of our sisters. The journey we undertake to reach the Lagoon of the Rising Sun, where we welcome her each morning, adds to the beauty and magic of our ritual.
The five of us swim close to each other, among high, ragged peaks of the underwater mountains, then through the forests of seaweed, where multi-coloured, iridescent fish substitute for flying songbirds, and delicate, transparent jellyfish resemble fluttering butterflies. As we swim, I recall my few visits in the lands above the level of the sea, in the vicinity of the lagoon.
My sisters don't feel the same attraction for the unknown place like me, so I always emerge alone. My blue-green, scale-covered tail morphs into a pair of legs, similar to those of the humans, as soon as I leave my native ocean for the dry lands.
I greatly enjoy my solitary walks along the endless beach, where the dry sand sticks to my bare feet. My strolls in the forest, so different from the one at the bottom of the ocean, never cease to amuse me. I walk in the cool shadows, my feet savouring the contact with the smooth, damp grass and dry, fragile, fallen leaves. I revel in the gentle caresses of the wind on my naked body. That beautiful world is so different from my own. It is a place full of wonders I wish I could call my home.
One of my sisters takes my hand and pulls me closer, disturbing my reverie. I quickly collect my scattered thoughts, and notice that we are close to a dangerous place, where the sea currents are as strong as the roaring rivers flowing in the world above, threatening to separate us if we are not careful. This is the most dangerous part of our journey, but, we never give up. Struggling against its wild strength, our hands united, we manage to swim through, and reach more peaceful waters.
Once on the other side, the ocean feels different. I can taste the unusual sweetness of the water. We are nearly there, in the lagoon, by the waterfall...
The water is special here, full of sparkling bubbles of air, which can't be seen elsewhere. It's the gift of the cascades, bringing us the taste of the other world. The bubbles never fail to entertain us. We let go of our hands and disperse in the little lagoon in their pursuit. Playing happily with the oxygen floating around us like precious pearls, we don't even notice how the time flies. Too soon it is time to swim a little further, into the open sea, and emerge. The Sun is rising.
Pushing my head through the thin membrane of the water, I take a mouthful of air. Oh, it is delicious, I missed it too much, even just since yesterday. It tastes of the salty sea, the sunshine, things unseen and undiscovered. It carries to me the secrets of this world, as thick as the early morning mist, that lies where the sea kisses the land, beyond the sand of the multitude of beaches, hidden among the first trees. People live there, the mysterious, fascinating creatures I have only seen from distance so far...
The loud chatter of my sisters' voices distract my train of thoughts. I look around me, over the sandy shores, to the far horizon. We hold hands again, as the Sun explodes to life and begins her journey across the sky. We are her sisters, the Sisters of the Sun, born from the same mother, the Ocean. The Sun's birth, and ascent in the sky is a pure magic in my eyes. We watch in silence as its invisible power stirs the nature to life, changes the rhythm of the waves, draws the fish closer to the surface, makes the birds sing...
A light wind starts to blow among the branches of the trees, making them dance, and the silent splashing of the millions of waves is joined by the low rustle of the leaves. For me, these sounds represent peace, harmony and love among the three worlds, the Ocean, the Dry Lands, and The Sky.
I observe the world in awe. Over the sandy shores, inside the lagoon, where the ocean meets the exotic lands, I see our waterfall, its sweet water cascading into the salty ocean, turning it into a liquid magic. Sunshine dances over the waves, our sister is rising in the sky. Unfortunately, soon we must go back to the ocean's depths.
Alone, I swim towards the waterfall and look around me, one last time. Then I see you, perfectly still, half hidden behind the cascades. A stray ray of Sun caresses your beautiful figure, as you slip noislessly in the waves and swim closer to me. My sisters flee, scared, but I stay still, waiting for you. I'm not afraid. Your strange beauty has me under a spell, and when you are near, I raise my right hand to welcome you. You mirror my movement with your left, and our hands touch.
What have we done? I feel your emotions coursing in my veins, as we move as one, dancing in the cool water of the lagoon. We are united, our hearts beating at the same pace. Our unison is a pure magic, we are blessed by the Sun.
I know I must stay here today. My sister, the Sun, has chosen our destiny. I let you lead me to the shore as my sisters observe us, surprised, from the distance. We say our silent goodbyes, before they disappear in the infinity of the ocean.
They, too, know that I must stay with you.
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******** Write around 1500 words long story inspired by the song Sisters of the sun by Hush feat. Andrea Britton.