Chapter 18

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Lizzie POV

This was not happening, not right now.

I was so calm and relaxed from training, and then seeing Gibbs brought all my problems back into my head. What was I going to say to Gibbs? Was I going to say anything to Gibbs?

No I had to. I promised Tim.

I quickly got up and brushed myself off, giving Tim my hand to help him up of the floor.

‘Well, are we interrupting something,’ Tony smirked.

If looks could kill, he’d be dead twice over.

‘I was just getting some training back in before I go back on active duty,’ I told Gibbs, lying as smoothly as possible. One way to tell if someone’s lying is if they look down and to the left, so I kept eye contact with him.

‘You still need to prove yourself on the shooting range and take a polygraph,’ he told me.

I hate polygraph tests. They ask the daftest questions.

And apparently I’d just said that out loud.

‘Lizzie, you have to do it. You can’t work your first case otherwise,’ Tim said to me.

I gave him a look that told him to stay out of it, I could handle it.

He just handed me a water bottle.

Ziva walked up to me as Gibbs walked away to answer his phone, whilst Tony went to talk to Tim, probably teasing him about what just happened.

‘Lizzie, are you sure you are up to this? You have only just come off the crutches,’ Ziva said, visibly concerned.

‘Ziva I’m fine, I feel fine, the sooner I get up and running the better, and I can work my first case,’ I told her smiling.

‘Well, if you want to talk about anything, really, about anything, I’m always here,’ she smiled back and turned to Gibbs who had just come off the phone.

Tim and DiNozzo came over too.

‘We’ve gotta go. Dead petty officer in Little Creek,’ he told us. ‘Lizzie and McGee, get changed and gear up, meet us there.’

Well then, my first case, I thought, smiling to myself.

‘I don’t know what you’re so happy about. If we’re not there within five minutes after Gibbs, its headslaps all around,’ he told me, seriousness etched on his face.

‘Its fine, seriously, I can get changed within 5 minutes, and I’ll drive to the crime scene,’ I replied, smirking. Tim had never seen me drive.

Once we were changed, we headed down to the garage.

‘Oh God, Ducky and Palmer have already left, if we leave now, we’ll get there before them,’ he said.

‘Why are you in such a rush?’ I asked him.

‘I have a bet with DiNozzo over whoever gets a headslap first today,’ he admitted, quietly.

‘Fine. Give me the keys,’ I said.

He looked at me like I was crazy.

‘Timothy McGee, give me the keys to the van, now,’ I said again, in my most intimidating voice.

And it worked.

Two and a half hours later, we arrived at Little Creek. A journey that would have usually taken us an hour longer.

I hopped out of the van and headed over to where Ziva was looking at the body.

Ducky had arrived about a minute after us, and he and Palmer were turning over the body to identify him, who had been shot twice in the back.

My heart stopped when I saw his face.

‘Sean…?’ I whispered.

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