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Ink soon was sitting downstairs on a couch with Dream, just chatting with him a bit. They were just chatting about simple small things like what they usually do and stuff like that. Then Ink starts to wonder who Dream had been humming to. Ink looks at Dream. "Hey Dream?... Who were you humming to earlier?" Ink was genuinely curious about the humming. Though, Ink was a bit surprised by Dream's response. "Oh! I was just humming to my little baby. It always calms him down when I hum to him. He was just having a bit difficulty with sleeping, so I hummed a lullaby to him." When Ink heard the fact that Dream had a Son, he smiled a bit. He kind of wanted to see what the baby looked like, but he didn't want to risk waking the baby up. "What's his name?" Ink asked, curious.

Dream smiled softly at Ink. He always liked making new friends and was hoping to become friends with Ink. "His name is Faith! He's only six months old right now but he's still adorable. If you want, I could go bring him downstairs." Of course, Ink didn't want to disturb the sleeping child, so he just quietly said he didn't want to disturb the child's nap. Not even a minute later, before Dream could reply, the sound of a child crying could be heard from upstairs. Dream sighed a bit. "Looks like Faith is awake now... I'll be right back..." He gets up and goes upstairs, gently picking Faith up out of Faith's crib. He gently cradled Faith and brought Faith downstairs, cradling him gently in his arms. "This is Faith, my little baby boy." Dream smiled. He seemed really proud to be a mother but...Where was the father?...

Ink smiled a bit as he looked at Faith. He's always wanted a child of his own but since Error hates him, Ink thinks he'll never have a child of his own. "He's adorable" Ink couldn't help but smile. Though, these temporarily happy thoughts were quickly replaced with dark negative thoughts. He got an image in his mind. It was pleasant at all. Was this a future sight of what has yet to come? Or was ink just imagining things? Ink held his skull, seeming panicked as the scene was playing in his head. The sight he saw in his mind was very bloody. It... was in this house... There was dust mixed with the blood. Tears started streaming down Ink's cheeks. "N-No..." He mumbled to himself. There was crying. It sounded like Dream crying in the 'future sight'. This worried Ink severely. Why was there blood in this vision? Why was it in this house and mixed with monster dust? Who died in this vision?? Ink didn't know but one thing was for certain. If this vision were to ever come true... It wouldn't be pleasant at all...

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