Chapter 1

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I was sitting in my math class, bored as usual when I kept seeing the guy in the corner looking my way. I quickly dismissed it, after all Stacy was sitting in my area and she is rather pretty, all the guys go for her. I soon went back to doodling on my notes but, I couldn't shake  the feeling of someone watching me.

Eventually the teacher told us to get into pairs and work on the assignment but, of course my only friend in that class, Bradley, was at the orthodontist getting his braces off. I don't mind working by myself, I do all the work and Bradley just copies anyways.

I was working on the assignment when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.I turned to the right and looked into the most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen. In a deep New Jersey accent he asked me, "do you mind if I sit here?". I just simply nodded and proceeded to do my work.

He took the awkward silence as a que to talk and told me his name was Perry, in that moment i swear my heart stopped. Perry Collins is one of the richest kids in the school (besides me) and he's talking to me of all girls! I just smiled and told him my name was Magdeline Moore. I can't belive I didn't realise it was Perry Collins from the beggining. I really hope he doesn't notice my sudden change in mood.

And just when I thought things couldnt get any worse he looked at me and asked, "are you new to Cresskill?" 

I was stupid to think the Perry Collins would ever notice me, I'm just that that girl who is friends with that hot guy Bradley. No one ever knew my name, I was usually fine with it but for some reason this really bothered me." I've been here since i was born" I told him. Perhaps it came out bitchier than I thought because as soon as I said it he looked a little hurt. I pretended not to notice and continued my work. The rest of the class was awkward conversations (all started by him) until the bell rang. I had never been so excited to get to chemistry ever in my life.

But of course he stopped me in the hall and asked me if I wanted to eat lunch with him. I thought I made it quite clear that I am not new! I didn't want to be rude like I was earlier and hurt his feelings so I told him  yes and proceeded to walk to chemistry. I hope this lunch is the last I see of this kid.

Lunch time rolled around and i sat at my usual table with my friends. Of course since Bradley isn't here today he is all they talked about. Me and bradley have been friends since we were 3 years old and I dont think i could ever see him as anything other than a friend but, I know for sure he feels the same way. While I was telling Grace about my plans for the weekend all of the girls' eyes were on something behind me. I stopped my story and turned around and was met once again with those enchanting green eyes of Perry. He smiled at the girls and said," I'm just gonna steal Magdeline for lunch today, is that okay?" And all the girls just nodded with wide eyes and dropped jaws, I knew I was in for it when I got home. 

Perry casualy slung his arm around my shoulder as if he have known eachother forever when i just met him in first period,who does he think he is? I shrugged his shoulder off and stepped a little to my right to give us some distance. Perry took me to his table and all eyes were on me I just wanted to melt into puddle and disappear, I never was one for attention. To my suprise his friends, even though they were typical jocks were extremely nice to me. My only problem is that I suffer from extreme teen awkwardness disease (yes its a real thing, I discovered the disease ETA for short) so I couldn't really get into any conversation.

The bell finally rang after my 45 minutes of hell and I sprang up from my seat and headed for the door. Before I could even push the door open Perry tapped on my shoulder and nearly gave me a heart attack, he really needs to stop doing that. He smiled at me and said " you're free to sit with us any time you want my friends seem to like you."  O-okay was all i could choke out, damn you ETA.

The rest of the day my friends kept bothering me with questions,I answered to the best of my abilities and left them alone to fangirl. I love them to death but, damn they could be annoying at times. After the last bell rang I set off to find my mom's car and go home, it's been a stressful day.

Author's note: this is my first book yay!!!! so please give me feedback.FYI her name is pronounced MAG-DUH-LIN. I really hope you guys love it!

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