Chapter 2

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I smiled happily as I saw my mom's Cadillac pull up. I hopped in and tried to get comfy in the leather seats. The car ride took all of 5 minutes, but we still managed to belt out the lyrics to our favorite songs that were on the radio. Although I wouldn't tell her this, my mom is my favorite parent out of the two. Don't get me wrong, I love my dad, but I love my mom just a bit more. And I must say she has a fine British accent, so bonus!

"Magdeline, I have to go back to the office, there's money for pizza on the counter." "Okay mom" I replied. I'm thankful my sister won't be there to annoy me. Looks like I get the house all to myself.

I walked through the door with my pink headphones and threw my bag down on the marble floor, just wanting to plop down on my comfy bed and sleep, my favorite passtime. A Thousand Miles came on my pandora and being home alone, I started singing. "Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles if I could just see yoooouuuuuu!"

OOF! My hand collided with something and I turned around to see Bradley holding his nose. Practically screaming I yelled "I'm so sorry I didn't see you or hear you come in!" Bradley grimaced, still holding his nose "yeah, I was going to scare you but it kinda backfired...." "I'm really sorry" I replied. "Gosh I am so clumsy."

"I'ts fine Maggie, really, jus- oh god it's starting to bleed. Quick! Get me a tissue! You could've knocked me out you weirdo. You should really stop with the dancing and singing all the time, it would save my nose and ears." I rolled my eyes at him. "Gee thanks...." Bradley just gave me his half smile "It's okay though, I still love you." I just rolled my eyes at his comment and went to go get him a tissue. "You can get this yourself you know, you've been to my house a million times. I think you should know where they are by now." Just for his laziness, I handed him a pink Kleenex. I smirked as he looked at the pink tissue in disgust. "Gee I wonder who picked these out" he said. I just flashed him an innocent smile and proceeded to my room.

As we walked up the spiral staircase, Bradley was still complaining about his nose. I swear he is the biggest drama queen I have ever met. I bet he won't even have a bruise come tomorrow. As soon as I opened my door Bradley got a running start and jumped on my bed, getting lost in the mess of poofy pink blankets. "Why don't you just make yourself at home" I said. I walked over to the bed and plopped down next to him. We sat in silence as I tried to take my much needed afternoon nap when Bradley broke the silence with his big fat mouth," So you and Perry huh?" My eyes shot open and I was trying to form words to explain what really happened today but I just kept opening and closing my mouth like a fish. He reached over and closed my mouth with a smirk, "The girls told me. And close your mouth, you look like an idiot." By the look on his face, I could already tell I was not getting off so easily. I told him to get comfy because this would take a while.

1 hour later:

"And that's how I ended up sitting with him at lunch and being all awkward." I said out of breath. "Well you could have at least told me so I didn't have to hear it from the girls," Bradley replied. "Well none of it would have happened if you didn't skip school to go get your braces off! And might I add your smiles is ten times more dazzling than before.'' "Why thank you very much Maggie, but this is not over yet! "

Dang it, I really thought I was off the hook with that little compliment. "I got an idea." Bradley replied, a small smirk on his face."How about I forget about all the shit that happened today, including my nose, if you agree to hang out with me tomorrow." I could practically see the evil in his hazel eyes and I knew I would regret this. "Okay what do you suggest we do tomorrow, Bradley?" "Well, Magdeline I think we should go roller skating." I couln't help but burst into a fit of laughter, and it didn't help that Bradley's face reminded me of a little kid who lost their balloon at Disney World. After I had regulated my breathing I managed to choke out "rolling skating?, What is this the 70's?" He just rolled his eyes and said " I just thought you could use some socializing." "Hey, I socialize! What do you call this, huh!?" I said, pointing my finger between Bradley and I." "I meant besides me and the girls, Maggie" he said rolling his eyes and pushing my hand down. I swear I got that habit from him, he's always rolling his eyes at something. "Well my decision is no, I smirked. Tell me when you actually pick something fun." He looked at me with those puppy dog eyes and said "pleeeeaaasssseeee Maggie" Ugh the magic word, Maggie, he knows I could never say no to that, he's the only one who calls me that. I reluctantly agreed and he pulled me into a bone crushing hug "This is gonna be so much fun!" I rolled my eyes. I can't wait.

The next morning I was rudely awoken by Bradley spamming my phone with texts:

Bradley: It's 10:00 which means your lazy butt is still in bed, get up!

Bradley: I'm picking you up in 20 minutes , you better be ready!

Bradley: Maggie, I swear, i f you don't get up I'll drag you out of bed mysefl!

Bradley: dammit

Bradley: get

Bradley: up

Bradley: now!

Me: I can't sowwy :(

Bradley: whyyyyyy! :(

Me: I have other stuff to do with my mom

Bradley: you and I both know that your mom works on saturdays, Cynthia has cheerleading practice, and you have no other social life besides me so ha! :P

I swear this boy knows everything about me! The only down side to having a best friend.

Me: fine fine I'm getting up now

Bradley: well you better hurry cuz I'm already outside :)

Me: you told me twenty minutes! -_-

Bradley: yeah in Bradley time, now come down stairs and open the door!

I groggily got out of bed and opened the door being blinded by the morning sun. Once my eyes fully adjusted, I looked up to see Bradley looking happy as ever. How he was always a morning person I never understood but I just wanted to slap that stupid grin off his face for waking me up before noon.

I walked upstairs to get ready while Bradley stayed in the living room and watched T.V. As I came down the stairs Bradley grabbed me by the hand and literally dragged me out of the house. I desperately tried to hold onto the railing of the stairs. He just threw me over his shouder into the passenger side of his car. I hate to say this but he is the typical guy, with his car being his prized possesion and he would kill anyone who laid even a finger on it without his permission ( trust me I would know). I don't know exactly what type of car it is but it's an expensive sports car which his dad paid lots of money for. We finally set out to this amazing roller skating rink which Bradley is so excited to go to, I really hope I don't regret this. Perhaps if I jump out the car, I can make a run for it before he can catch me.

A/N: hey guys I finally put up chapter 2 YAY!!!!! Big thanks to my friend scarletbunny who helped me write this chapter!!! :D Tell me what you think! Do you all like Bradley? What do you think will happen on their trip? Is Maggie even a likeable person? ;) I LOVE YOU GUYS! I'LL UPDATE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. (sorry for yelling) byeee :3

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