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Bella's POV

The clock ticks by as I lie still on my bed. No one has come into the room for two days now and it's driving me insane. I haven't seen Gabe and I don't know where he is. I haven't eaten and drunk anything since I've been here.

This whole room is just how I left it. Perhaps they haven't had any guests here since then. I've tried unlocking the door a thousand times but just like I expected, it is locked.

I go over to the window where I lean back and shut my eyes, shutting out all worries that I have about Gabriel for the time being. A few minutes later, the door surprisingly opens and Lily comes in with a sad look on her face but as soon as she looks at me, she begins to cry.

"I'm so sorry. I wanted to help but I also had to obey orders." Lily says trying to wipe away her tears furiously. I watch her for a moment, unsure what to do or say so I simply went over to hug her. Even after everything, she is always my best friend and I miss her terribly.

"It's Okay Lily. It isn't your fault." I say rubbing her back and hugging her. These pregnancy hormones really must have hit her considering she rarely ever cries. "Where is Gabriel?"

"Jack is with him in the other room. He's okay, I promise. Better than you." She sobs, her voice cracking as she looks up and down my body at all my torture inflicted wounds. "There is a dinner tonight that you both are allowed to attend."

"Has my father given in?" I sigh heavily in relief when she shakes her head. I'm not worth giving up an entire gang for, whether I'm his daughter or not. "I was afraid that you and Gale were dead."

"We both held on. Although he was in a coma for a while." She speaks sadly and looks as if she's lost in a memory. I simply nod in response, not really sure what I'm supposed to say.

"Is he able to get his memory back?" I whisper slowly, my gaze fixated on the floor as she sits beside me on the bed and sighs heavily.

"The doctor said it happens differently with everyone. He could have all his memories back suddenly or very slowly or sometimes...not at all. He remembers flashes though." Lily tells me sadly and places a hand on mine. I don't know why I keep pressing but I feel as though I have to know even if it was breaking my heart to hear.

"Does he remember me at all?" I whisper more to myself then her but Lily shrugs slightly and smiles at me with sympathy shining in her eyes.

"I'm not sure but I'm sure if he did then he would never admit it." I nod in agreement. He always was stubborn. Especially now that he's an arrogant dick. Jack comes in and sighs heavily with sympathy in his eyes like Lily's.

"They told me to come get you for the next torture." Jack tells me and Lily freezes beside me. I don't get what they are doing. What is the point in keeping me in the room I used to sleep in, torture me every so often and then plan on killing me after? Why are they dragging it out?

I stand up in silence before beginning to walk past Jack, starting to feel numb again as he leads me down the stairs but thankfully doesn't even grab my arm. The door opens and I walk in silence and stand where my torture will soon begin. I guess I've just given up hope.

Someone chains me to the ceiling but I don't see who as I mentally prepare myself to get tortured by the man I love again. I see his feet walking towards me as I hang limply and see Stefano's shortly after.

My entire body is numb. I wish I could cry and scream, but all of my energy has left me.

Surprisingly, he doesn't even speak before hitting me with a big belt with daggers in them this time. That kills like a bitch. I feel the blood flowing down my body before I actually feel the pain.

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