Someone Better- Chapter 3

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How could you have possibly grown so quickly?! It...

You: I feel attacked


You: Is it that shocking?

Well yes, come on you're a logical human being the statistics are quite impressive it might as well all be a dream.

You: You know that when an author says that you take it very seriously?

Lannan: Y/N, we need to talk. Could you maybe stop flirting with Elliot? He's not looking for anything romantic and it kind of bothers him.

You: I thought you were a genius, and you just gave me the dumbest excure. He started it.

Lannan: As a joke, I thought you would understand when someone was messing around.

You: Jesus Christ I know you're together.

Lannan: And you still wink at him and call him, and I quote, " masterpiece".

You: That was before I knew you were a couple. I honestly didn't know. More importantly, why was he flirting with me?

A tear fell out of Lannan's eye.

Lannan: I don't know, I just don't understand what I did.Am I not enough? What's so special about you, you're new and he already flirts with you, maybe it's because you're so unique, we're maybe it's because you look way better than me.

You: Um... you need to talk to Elliot.

Lannan: No, I want to talk to you. You caused my problems, if you weren't here in the first place, Elliot and I would be in a perfect relationship.

You: That's not true, you would be living a lie.

Lannar: Lie? Let me tell you something about lies, you somehow got 6 million subscribers in the span of 3 months, they're all bots, aren't they?

You: What?! No. How would I even have enough money to buy bots?

Lannan: Yeah, you're just a fake bitch who doesn't deserve any of this.

He was getting closer and closer to you, with a horrifying smirk on his face.

You: *sniff* is that...*sniff sniff* vodka?
Lannan, you're drunk. You're not thinking straight.

Lannan: I am not thinking straight, because I want to fuck you so hard you'll forget Elliot's name.

You: There are 6 other people here.

Lannan: Kath and Marcus are on a shopping spree. Cray and Bazza are asleep and Elliot's playing fortnite... with Harley.

You: You'll be cheating on him, and committing a crime. You are just severely intoxicated, relax and sleep and I will forget this ever happened.

Lannan: I don't want to rape you, I want to seduce you. You see, I've taken a liking to you too and I want payback on him, and it'll be fun.

You: Sooo, you're mad Elliot flirted with me once, so your solution is not to confront him but instead you want to have sex with me. You will regret this the very next day and I'm sober so no.
Talk to him, don't ruin your relationship because he made one mistake.

Lannan: He also stared at your ass.

You: Oh, let's both talk to him then. Tomorrow, when your brain can think.

Lannan: Fine...thank you.

He fell to the ground and passed out.

Elliot: Is something wrong? I heard a thud.

You: Lannan got drunk.

Elliot: Oh, I'll carry him to bed.

You: Elliot, um...I need to talk to you.

Elliot: Yeah sure, let me just bring him to bed first.

After bed-bringing:

You: Look, why did you... I know you and Lannan are.....a thing.

Elliot: Oh God.

You: And you, decided to ff-f flirt with me. I just want to ask: WHAT THE FUCK?!

Elliot: I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry, I should've told you.

You: And Lannan knows, you need to talk to him.

"I really need to,don't I?"

I'm contemplating re-writing this but tell me if it's any good.

Someone Else: Muselk x Lazarbeam...x Male Reader (2/3)Where stories live. Discover now