Someone: The Musical- Chapter 19

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You: Elliot! Come see this.

Elliot: What?

You: I went on these profiles on Wattpad and all their announcements are about the Click drama.

Elliot: What's Wattpad?

You: It's an app where people write FanFiction and other types of stories. There's Marvel, Supernatural, anime...

Elliot: And there is a community for Click?

You: Yeah, and ever since that video I made there's been more and more fiction about us and Lannan, even Bazza and Cray have more stories.

Elliot: Oh, interesting.

You: And the way they describe you, it turns me on. "His muscles are so huge, he's so well-built, his penis is-

Elliot: Ok, ok. I got it.

You: Some people are even calling me attractive!

Elliot: They're not wrong.

You: Are these final chapters fillers?!

What? You want a wedding finale? Then go ahead and fall in love with him.

You: Maybe I already have.

Too soon.

You: I don't need you judging me! Because *song begins*

Right, this is a musical chapter.

(Lyrics are tweaked for logical purposes) [Also this is from the Musical Comedy Crazy Ex-Girlfriend]


You: I'm just a boy in love

Ugh la la la lovey dove

You: I can't be blamed for my selfish actions.

You're a gamer, but you're not uneducated.

You: Yes, I may have issues I should address. But now I'll just be cute and weirdly obsessed.

Love has made him crazy. When it comes to fixing his underlying issues, he's lazy. But what am I supposed to do, he's been blinded by love.

End of 🎵🎶

You: BLAM!

Elliot: AH! Why did you scream?

You: Oh, it's nothing just me singing in my head.

Elliot: What, you're directing a musical up there?

You: As a matter of fact, yes. And so will you.

Elliot: Marcus was right you do have a mumbling problem.

You: Can you be my boyfriend not my judgemental mother?

Elliot: Oohhh, so I'm your boyfriend now?

You: I don't know, are you?

Elliot: Maybe I am.

You: 😊


Video: Sniper only in Fortnite:Chapter 2

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