A/n Heeey! so the updates are going to be more frequent from now on, i think ill try to upload at least three times a week, it all depends on how much homework i have anyway, that is all love yous x
*Rachels POV*
im running, fast. something chases after me, my heart is racing i no longer can run, im stuck, i turn to face the terror and i look straight into the eyes of a hideous beast looking somewhat like a vulture mixed with a bear, with its talons for arms and thick furry legs.
i try to move but i am frozen, unable to even think of anything except my iminent death.
i feel its grip shooting pain through my shoulder i cry out in anguish and shoot up in my bed.
im sweating bullets and breathing rapidly, "thank God." i sigh as i rub my eyes trying to fully come back from the dream world.
"that was weird." i said laughing to myself.
"tee-hehe-he HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH" i heard snickers turn into explosive laughter.
i hear the distinct laughter of my crew. i needed this so badly. they come barging out of my closet and tackle me, hitting me with pillows and any other non deadly thing in the room.
i cant stop laughing "oh you guys better run!" i yelled as i stood up with every pillow i could hold. their eyes grew wide,
"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" they yelled as they scrambled out of the room.
"you better run faster than that if you wanna live!" i yelled after them as i pelted my pillows at their running bodies, effectively 'killing' them.
they all fell to the ground in defeat and i stood there breathing heavily with accomplishment. i win.
"RESPAWN" one of them yells. all at once, they jump up and tackle me to the ground. were all a huge pile of laughter. "my spleen!" "that was my leg!" "alright WHO BIT ME?!"
We all lost it. we were all almost crying we were laughing so hard.
after a few minutes of this, we all helped eachother up and brushed eachother off.
"so whats up today guys?"
"how about we go eat and then figure it out." jake suggested
"sounds good"
we all head towards the dining hall, before we make it there we pass one of the Older housekeepers, "breakfast is served in the west wing this morning."
"where is the west wing?" i ask
"down this hall make a right and take that straight away, its the last room down on the right." she said precisely.
"thanks! Last one there is a rotten egg!"
we all bolted down the hallway, nearly destroying every vase we pass but we somehow manage to not break anything.
"can we live here forever?" i hear little barry ghasp as we entered the breakfast room.
this place had everything "where is everyone? this cant be all for us." i said
"actually it is madam." i hear a propper voice behind me. breakfast will be served here every morning of your stay, from seven thirty until eleven."
"dig in!"
i neededd this so badly, i love my boys, i felt so at home whenever i was with them.
as i drug around the last peice of french toast around on my plate i grouned "im so FULL"
"me too" a chorus of their voices rang.
"whos up for some exercise?" i say. "lets play catch one catch all, but you have to stay in these three rooms" i said motioning to the three surrounding rooms. whoever is it has to count in that room i said motioning to the library.
"i love this game"
"NOT IT" we all yelled simultaniously.
dang it. why do we always tie!?
"spit spit spit, you are not it"
"shoot." i breathed. "alright, you guys go hide"
the day was so strangely normal, i loved it, i felt like i was back at the campground. i felt like me.
a few amazing hours later we were all tired and sat down in a circle on the floor. "im bored." one of them said
"lets play truth or dare!"
"theres nothing about me that you guys dont know!" i laughed, "and nothing about you guys that i dont know!"
"No come on, lets play" they all whined.
"okay, okay."
at first it was stupid stuff just like "i dare you to lick your foot" or "how many chest hairs do you have"
but then came something totally unexpected "who was your last kiss?" but it wasnt asked to me, it was asked to me, it was asked to jake. "TELL THE TRUTH" the boys said teasingly.
do i even want to know? i braced myself
"i dont even know" he said flatly. some hot girl Violet i met last night." he said flatly. and i saw him glance at me.
well that hurt.
"guys im gonna go back to my room, im a little tired." i said as i turned to leave.
"you can only go around here by youreself if were all with you" said Jake as he also got up "wouldnt want to leave you and the prince alone now do we?" he whispered as he made his way in front of me
i froze.
A/n more to come soon! feedback is appreciated! love yous <3 ;)
bekah x

How it all works out
Teen Fictionstory of a 17 year old girl, named Rachel Harrisson.(Taylor Swift) she lived a normal life until the summer when she and her friends/boy she has had a crush on forever (Harry Styles) end up in a different world where she meets a boy(Zayn Malik) who...