i. blissful ignorance

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THE BACK AND FORTH BANTER GRADUALLY STARTED TO FADE OUT. Vivienne fumbled with her camera lens from a huge case of anxiousness. It was the first time she had been given the reins to take yearbook-worthy photos for today's pep rally. Who could blame her? She was assigned to collaborate with Nancy Wheeler and Fred Benson.

Despite having fought what seemed like the impossible with Nancy Wheeler. She was a terrifying perfectionist who intimidated the shit out of her. Especially when it came to the school's newspaper.

To put it simply, if Vivienne were to choose between fighting off a demogorgon alone or working closely with Nancy. She would pick a fight against the other-dimensional creature, her only weapon being a toothpick. The last time she placed a photo crooked on the draft for next week's newspaper, by accident. She didn't hear the end of Nancy's passive-aggressive comments for an entire month.

Yet for some reason, she felt the need to gain her perfect peer's approval.

"Uhm Earth to Viv?" A voice crowed out. The spaced-out dirty blonde flinched at the hand waving in front of her. She blinked a couple of times as everything around her finally unfroze. Her freckled friend stared at her with full concern. "Wait what were we talking about?" Vivienne faltered. Her two friends shared an awkward silence and switched topics.

"Wouldn't you agree that Vickie is the perfect girl for our Robin?" Steve declared, not an inch of doubt in his voice. The male glanced back with fiery eyes in hope that she would passionately back him up.

Meanwhile, her eyes grew big, "Eyes on the road, Harrington!" She screamed out, gripping his headrest. He grabbed the steering wheel and quickly straighten the vehicle. The trio sighed in relief and the conversation was immediately erased from their minds. Vivienne observed with dread the high school building, "Don't you just miss it," patting one of Steve's shoulders. Before he could sass her, she and Robin hopped out of the car.

The girls headed into the gym and departed to their designated areas. Robin with marching band, Vivienne with Nancy and Fred.

She hung the strap around her neck and made sure her camera was safely secured. She tried her best to flash them a warm smile, generous enough to show a little teeth. "Hey guys," She kindly greeted. Nancy gave a curt nod and Fred audibly acknowledged her. She shook her head, returning her eyes to the front. Vivienne watched as students slowly started to file in.

The crowd was one of conflicting emotions. Some students frowned at how early this rally was scheduled. While others seemed content because they could skip class.

"Porter, are the lens in focus? Shutter speed on normal? How's the white balance?" Nancy rambled, never taking her eyes off her notepad. Vivienne gave pleading eyes to Fred who only shrugged. A sigh escaped her lips and she faced the unsuspecting reporter. "Everything is set up, I swear. All that's left is your trust in me." She remarked, refraining from rolling her eyes.

The older Wheeler held a surprised expression at her comment. "Trust? I have total trust in you, Vivienne," She scoffed.

"Sure you do..." She muttered, centering the shot of the school band. Her slender finger hovered over the button, "Are you sure it's lined up properly," causing her to jump. She bit the inside of her cheek and turned her head to the curly-haired girl. "Yes, I'm quite certain," Vivienne emphasized. As if on cue, the school bell rang and the crowd's chatter died down.

The cheerleaders showcased their routines and the crowd roared in unison. After a couple of backflips and cartwheels later, the cheer team graciously introduced Hawkins High School's basketball team.

Vivienne clapped, swiftly walking to the front to take a picture of the team. Lucas gave her a small wave and she happily returned the gesture. She mouthed 'have fun' and went back to where she stood. She noticed that Nancy seemed less tense as she avidly watched the pep rally commence. Star player, Jason Carver, was then handed a microphone.

He tapped it sending a loud feedback through the speakers. Making some of the students cover their ears in pain.

"Good morning!" Jason loudly beamed. He continued by thanking every student and staff for their everlasting support. Jason quieted the crowd down to profess his love to his current girlfriend, Chrissy Cunningham. The entire school awed in favor of the young couple. While Vivienne attempted to hold back the remains of her breakfast burrito.

"On a more serious note, it's been a tough year for the people of Hawkins. So much loss in such a little amount of time." He solemnly spoke.

Murmurs traveled throughout the bleachers and Vivienne's eyes couldn't help but linger on Max. She couldn't even begin to fathom the young girl's pain because her situation was beyond normal to confide with just anyone. "Shouldn't we stop him from talking...like at all?" Vivienne sneered, visibly disgusted at his speech. The way he spoke about other people's losses like they were his to tell.

He wasn't there to fight off a huge monster. Nor did he feel the fear and cheat death.

Hell, all the people of Hawkins were oblivious to what truly hid just beneath their houses. Interrupting her thought process, his speech dragged on. "I thought about Jack, Melissa, Heather, Billy, and our heroic chief of police, Jim Hopper." Her mouth was agape at the audacity the brainless jock had. There was no way the school didn't take issue with this.

Who was she kidding the staff seemed to pay more attention to the school dress code above anything else.

"Make sure to come to our championship game! So we can bring home that trophy in honor of what we've lost!" He exclaimed finally closing out his speech. The basketball team clapped and everyone cheered with newfound hope. Vivienne sarcastically clapped ready to isolate herself in the school's darkroom. If there was one thing to could take her mind off things it was photography.

It just sucks that her hobby could be used for the school's benefit. Or else she wouldn't have access to a camera.

Students began to clear out of the gym including Nancy, Viv, and Fred. The tall girl clicked through the photos she took at the pep rally. On the bright side, her photography skills hadn't dwindled over her eventful summer. "Alright well I'm going to try and get these photos out," She announced waving goodbye to her classmates. Vivienne continued scoping which photos were "yearbook worthy."

Until she came in sudden contact with someone. Thankfully, her camera strap was still around her neck or it would've been bye-bye camera.

"Jesus, watch where you're going asshole! Mike?" Her thick eyebrows rested in a strained position. The lanky freshman lit up from a familiar face. "Sorry, Vi! I'm in a rush I need a sub for Hellfire tonight!" He blurted turning fast on his heels. When it suddenly dawned upon the teen boy who watched his senior friend get further away.

"Hey wait up!" Mike hollered yearningly. Dustin watched amusedly as his best friend chased after a frightened Vivienne. "Oh shit! We still need a sub!" He shrieked, running to the school payphone with a friend in mind.

in honor of vol 2 coming
out really soon ahh! and to
feed my hyper fixation...

CIRCLES, eddie munsonWhere stories live. Discover now