acceptance letter.

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A/N!!!!!! this is my first time
writing a fic and I swear it gets better the first pages suck ASS in my opinion.....

This fic has a lot of triggering topics too, so please read the description.

Kirishima's POV:

As I was walking back from school I had a few thoughts on my mind. the first one being excited to get home to check the mail to see if I got an acceptance letter to UA, but the other one being sad about having to go home from school.

I reached my small ran down the neighborhood. I start to feel more and more anxious about getting to my house. some days my dad is in a good mood, but then other days he's off getting wasted at some bar.
As I got to my home, the first thing I did was run to the mailbox and grabbed the mail.

I skimmed through it, seeing some newspapers, and a lot of bills, but then I see a letter from UA. I stand there for a while smiling like an idiot and ran inside, but my smile soon faded after I saw my dad. He was standing there yelling at my mom about not doing the dishes or something. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her to the wall with a strong force causing her head to hit it. I ran over and yelled and stopped him before he was getting ready to hit her. I could smell the beer on his breath which meant he had been drinking again.

"What the fuck are you doing?"
He yelled while walking towards me with a stoned stare.

"Seriously punk," he spat out.

He grabbed my wrist to hold me still and punched me in the face causing my nose to bleed out. I stood there in shock, looking down at the blood dripping down my face. My mom looked at me and started to cry.
She got up and ran towards me.

She yelled at him while crying.


my dad scoffed and cussed us both out.

"FUCK BOTH OF YOU!" He yelled before slamming the front door.

I could hear the car door slam, and he was gone. He had never punched me before, sometimes he'd slap me, but never punched. I looked down at my hands that were now covered in blood and started shaking a little from shock.

"Eijiro, I'm sorry,"
My mom said while holding me and crying.

"Mom it's fine, really I'm okay,"
I said with a shaky voice while getting up from the floor.

"No it's not really," she said, running to the kitchen and grabbing a wet rag. She gave the rag to me and I started to clean up the mess.
After about an hour of my mom crying and us cleaning up the damage my dad caused, I remembered about the letter. I go over to where I put it and looked at it for a second.

"Eijiro, is that your letter to UA?"


"Have you opened it yet?"

"Not yet," I say while still staring at it. I start to open it before my mom began to cry again.

"What is it, mom!?"

"You must've been so happy and excited, but your father had to ruin it, you don't deserve this one bit."

"MOM, really it's okay," I said while running to her and giving her a quick hug.
She tried to stop crying as I began to open it and start to read it.

"I got in..."
"I GOT IN!!"

I yelled again, I was shocked and honestly surprised that I had made it in, I've never had the most flashy noticeable quirk, or much of a hero look to me for that matter, I had averaged black hair and red eyes and sharp pointy teeth that people always made fun of me for saying I look like a monster, but getting in gave me a little bit of a confidence boost.

My mom screamed and gave me the biggest hug ever while crying.

"You got in, you got in," she yelled,
She grabbed the letter from me and started reading it, her eyebrows started to pinch together as she read on.

"You'll be staying in a dorm? And it's 35 minutes away, Eijirou."

"Yeah, I was going to talk to you about that..."

My mom starred at the letter in

"Can I still go, mom?"

She shot her head up and put on a smile I knew was fake, us Kirishima's were great at doing that.

"Yes of course you can... You don't deserve this life you deserve to be happy."

I ran to her and gave her a big hug. "you're going to need to start packing... it says it starts next week," she said while tearing up a little.

"Mom, stop you're going to make me cry."

We both heard the car door shut, and we stared at each other.

"It's getting late Eijiro I think you should start getting ready for bed."
I looked at her with a worried look and nodded and headed off to my room.


I lay in my bed hearing my dad and my mom fight, it's mostly just him yelling and her crying and yelling a bit through her sobs.
I start to tear up a bit but keep it together telling myself to man up.

//Trigger warning//

I head to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, tears staining my cheeks.
I whisper to myself,
"Why are you so weak."

I put my hands on the sink and start shaking and sobbing quietly.
I then open a drawer with a little box in it.

I open it up and see my old blades,
I haven't used these in about three weeks. I was getting better...well at least I thought I was.

As I roll up my pants revealing all the scars on my thigh I start to cry again, and I grab the razor and slid it across my thigh, watching as it bled down my leg. I did about 3 more before dropping to the ground crying and putting my head in between my knees.

I look up and I roll up the sleeve to my crimson riot hoodie- the one my mom gave me for my birthday and starred at my wrist.
it had a couple of scars on it but not any deep ones. I take the blade and press it to my arm and cut deeper than the last one, I did about five more cuts before I was shaking so badly that I dropped the blade and started crying.

//Trigger warning over//

I know this isn't manly I think to myself so why do you do it, you were getting better, you were doing good.
I stand up and look in the mirror disgusted in myself.

I head into my room thinking to myself and fall asleep to my parents yelling.

If you guys have any tips or suggestions please let me know and also I hope you enjoy, it also I know it's kinda bad but I think it's kinda is getting better towards later chapters 😂

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