I just realized I'm broke, and they're laughing at me :(

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Uh guys guess what kokichi is actually black it's canon google it

The two ordered, and Chili's man went back into the kitchen. "Are you okay?" Komaeda put his hand on top of Kokichi's. He didn't want him to be mad or anything, so Komaeda was trying to make it up to him. Kokichi immediately frowned. "Nooo, the world is ending, how dare you! Wahhhh! Ahhhh! AHHHHHH

Komaeda quickly moved his hand away out of fear that Birth-giving kokichi would stick a lit candle up his ass. Kokichi grabbed his hand again. "Buuuut, it would make me better if you'd give me five dollars!" Oh, so he was just lying, "What for?" "You'll see. Just give me the money already! Atua, you're slow."

Komaeda reached into his sexy man pocket, and expected to fish out his wallet, but when he moved his hand around, it was empty. He quickly checked the other pocket. Nothing. He started to panic. He swore he grabbed it before he left. Kokichi ordered the most expensive and complicated thing to make on the menu, not because he wanted it, but because he was petty. This is the worse time to forget his wallet. "Uh, did you bring money?" "No, it's your turn to pay." This was bad. Maybe they could just run? No one else was in the restaurant, nothing could stop them. But.. mr chili's would never look at Komaeda with his sexy wig and sexy buns the same.

And then, at the worst time possible, a beam of sexiness hit Komaeda in the face. When he looked over, it was Mr Chili's. He was walking over with their food. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. Komaeda kind of made friend with Mr. Chili's, right? Maybe he'd let them go, and let them pay next time. That's the plan he was going to go with. Just as he started to place the food on the table, Komaeda spoke. "So, uh," Komaeda was freezing up again. It was hard enough to face mr chili's big sexy manly husky mannnnn self on his own, but the thought of losing respect from him was horrifying. Kokichi spoke up for Komaeda instead, tired of waiting. "We forgot our wallets." Mr. chili's moved the food away from their table. "And? What do you want me to do?" This was bad. Not only was Kokichi being a total douche to Mr Chili's, the fact that Mr Chili's was dating Komaeda's ex didn't help at all. Why did he think this would work?

"Kokichi, could you run home and grab my wallet?" "Nope! You're the one who forgot it. You go get it." Komaeda nodded, but when he went to get up, Kokichi held him down. "Wait, don't leave me here! Especially with chicken little over here.." Kokichi mumbled the last part where he called Mr. Chili's chicken little, from chicken little, made in 2005. Komaeda was getting sick of kokichi calling him chicken little, from chicken little, made in 2005. "Well, what do you want me to do then?" "Uh, I don't know. Oh, wait! Look at this! My wallet is right in my pocket! Silly me! Looks like we can pay after all, Komaeda!" Komaeda felt relief wash over him. "Really?!" "No, you filthy cum dumpster! I was lying so we can dine and ditch! You suck!"

"You know I'm still here, right, asshole?" Mr. Chili's hopped in the conversation. Komaeda was mad, but at the same time happy Mr. Chili's had finally said something back to Kokichi. "How could I forget, you're an eyesore." "Listen up you lying little abortion! I am sick, and tired of y-" a hand was placed on Mr. Chili's hand, sending chills down his spine, and making him instantly shut up.

"Is there a problem here, chicken little?"

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