skipper the dog

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One day in a nice and quiet little mountain town of southpark, a dog and his owner were walking across the road. " OK skipper this is our new home! See that man is Mr marsh, he is geologist!", said tom as he walked slowly. Randy marsh or Mr marsh came up to them and introduced himself. "Hello I'm randy marsh! I just live across the street from your house.", said Randy as he stared at skipper with a creepy look.

Tom introduced himself to Randy and told him about skipper. Skipper barked very loud at a boy with a orange hoodie covering his mouth. " oh skipper what's wrong?", said tom as he hold skipper's leash but suddenly skipper ran to the boy. " um sir why is your dog attacking Kenny?", asked a boy with a blue hat with a red puff ball on top of it. Tom was shocked at seeing his dog attacking Kenny by biting his arm and chewing madly on his pocket. " oh my goodness! Skipper down boy! Down! Stop attacking that poor child!!", said tom as he rushed towards the boy.

Then soon Tim and Randy managed to get skipper off of Kenny, Kenny has his orange jacket ripped into many pieces and was mad. " mph! Mphhhh!! Mphhh!", shrieked Kenny but all his words sounded very muffed. The boy with the red hat turned to Kenny and nod his head towards him. " Kenny says he hates your dog now. And that your a stupid old shrimp! And that your dog ate his honey glazed donut!", said the boy calmly. Tom walked slowly to Kenny and said his was sorry that skipper attacked him.

Kenny made his finger turn into a middle finger and ran off, to his house. " oh randy who is his young man with the blue hat?", said tom curiously. Randy told him that it was Stan his son and randy his the father of Stan. Tom waved a goodbye and headed home, he ran with skipper across the freshly fallen snow on the ground. Tom opened the door to his new house and went to the kitchen to fix something to eat. Skipper whined for food, so tom gave him some frenzy dogfood a brand that the store had before he left for the quiet little mountain town. But skipper didn't want any so he whined more and pointed his nose at the TV, it was showing a commercial for honey glazed donuts. " don't worry I'll get you some tomorrow.", said tom. What tom didn't know was that no shop was not selling the treat anytime soon.

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