Chapter 2: The Fallen Angel

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My name is Kennedy O'Malley.
I'm a strong ass woman.
But somehow I've lost my way.
I guess when the world beats you down enough, you just start to accept the cards your dealt.
I guess that's how I ended up with Asher.
Asher Monti came into my life and took advantage of the weak state I was in.
He was devilishly handsome.
Dark raven hair, piercing blue eyes.
He had the body of a Greek God.
And somehow he wanted me.
He made me feel special.
At first he played nice, but I soon learned that I was more of a possession to him than his equal.
He taught me real quick, to watch my mouth.
I remember it being over something trivial, I hadn't packed his gym bag to his liking.
He had demanded that I take everything out and repack it to his exact specifications.
I obviously told him to pack it himself.
And that's when he introduced me to his backhand.
And I know what your thinking!
I should have left him right then and there.
But he apologized, and I stupidly accepted.
Over and over again.
Everyone worshipped the ground that Asher walked on.
He had just signed with the UFC.
I stupidly thought he would change one day.
Change for me.
Instead it just got worse.
And tonight he was in a fowl mood.
He wanted to check out another up and coming fighter.
Rumors were circulating that this guy was gonna take the UFC by storm, and Asher wasn't happy about it.
There could only be one King.
Asher Monti wanted it.
The only thing that stood in his way was the guy who was fighting tonight.
They called him GQ.
And when he walked into the cage...
I understood.
This guy wasn't just good looking, he was angelic looking.
Like God plucked him from the heavens and forced the fallen angel to live amongst us inadequate humans.
He had honey colored hair that glistened gold in the light.
His skintone was like a perfect porcelain cream against the stark black of his tattoos.
He looked to beautiful to be standing in a cage.
But as the fight began, I watched the fallen Angel turn completely dark and sinister.
He used his beauty as a weapon.
I watched him lure his opponent in.
His eyes went from a soft hazel to obsidian in seconds.
It was like he was the devil himself.
But it was mesmerizing to watch.
As he finished off the helpless guy...
All I could see was his tattoo on the back of his neck.
Angel Wings.
And for once, I thanked God I was with Asher and not someone like him.
What you saw is what you got with Asher.
He was handsome and cruel.
But it was predictable.
This guy was anything but.
A beautiful fallen Angel that emanated the Devil himself.
I could see the veins in Asher's neck popping as the crowd cheered for the beautiful devil.
And I knew that somehow I'd be the one to pay for it.
I should be directing my hate towards the man who abused me, but instead I directed it all towards the man in the cage.
So later that night, Asher forced me to go to Club Moxy with him and his entourage.
He knew that GQ would be their celebrating.
Asher wanted to prove his dominance and fix his wounded ego.
I was forced into his little game.
And I knew I didn't have a choice.
What Asher wanted, Asher got.
Otherwise, I'd end up bruised and bleeding.
So I sat on Asher's lap across the club from GQ and his entourage.
I was on my second jack and coke.
My hands were nervously shaking.
"Kennedy, I want you to watch him.
Watch what type of whores that piece of trash takes a liking to.
Then I want you to walk your pretty little ass over there and blow them all away.
Get close enough to drop this in his drink.
Then I'll have my fun with him."
I didn't want to go anywhere near the man across the club.
But I knew I had no choice.
"Ash, you really want to use your girlfriend to drug the devil?
He's dangerous looking!"
Wrong thing to say, because Asher grabbed my face and leaned his forehead against mine. His dark eyes penetrating any sense of safety I had.
As he grabbed my neck, he whispered
"I am the Devil, Sweetheart.
You do as I say, or their will be consequences."
He then smashed his mouth against mine and bit my bottom lip, drawing blood.
I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry.
But I just nodded and did as I was told.
I watched the fallen Angel, looking for any cracks in his armor.

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