Chapter 18: Yummy

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Kennedy's POV:

I woke up to the sound of a snoring beautiful mess of a man wrapped tightly around me.
It was perfection.
I just laid there listening to his deep breaths, wondering what he was dreaming about.
I looked at the clock on my bedside table and was surprised it was already 8am.
We both had slept through the night.
I guess being together, we could both finally find some peace.
After listening to his voicemails and sharing confessions, being together wasn't even a choice. It was more of a necessity for survival.
And sleep came easily in his arms.
I knew I was in trouble as I watched how relaxed and innocent he looked, how would I ever be able to sleep again without him by my side?
I wouldn't.
And I vowed to keep him in my bed forever as I slowly ran my fingers up his inked chest.
I studied his body like it was a work of art.
Watching the cross on his chest rise and fall with each breath.
The way his mouth was slightly parted.
His long eyelashes fluttering, protecting those Angel eyes.
How the color of his hair was the perfect mixture of gold and brown.
I've read about sex hair in novels, but seeing  it in person was something else.
One hand bent behind his head, while the other remained draped across my body.
I moved to grab my phone, wanting to snap a picture of this moment...of him.
Our bodies losing contact for less than seconds and he was already stirring from the loss.
I couldn't help myself.
I slowly stood up and turned my phone on.
Opening up my camera, his body filling the frame.
All I could think about was how beautiful he was, but how much strength he exuded even in sleep.
I snapped his picture over and over again.
Taking in every detail of this man.
My man.
Just thinking those words, it stirred up a heat in me that I never knew I could feel.
"Baby"  he whispered, reaching for me.
Not wanting him to wake up just yet, I slipped back into bed and his skin connected to mine instantly.
"Pretty boy, what are you doing to me?"
I whispered as his body once again wrapped around me.
I couldn't fall back to sleep, and I knew he needed to rest.
That's when I remembered I still had more voicemails to hear.
Making sure he was comfortably situated against my right side, I hit play on the next voicemail and brought my phone up to my left ear.

"I keep dreaming about you, baby girl.
About things that don't make sense.
Maybe it's my mind working through shit...I don't know.
But every night I see you standing across from me, saying "I Do".
And every night I wake up in a cold sweat  alone, wishing it was true.
Fucked up right?
It's 3am and I just woke up from hearing you say those words again.
It makes me want things I've never wanted before.
Am I going crazy, baby girl?"

His raw and open honesty in this voicemail was waking up something inside of me.
A picture flashed before me, of us standing face to face.
His hazel eyes shining as he said  "I Do".
It felt too Dejavu.
Had I been dreaming the same thing, just not remembering?
I hit play on the next voicemail, trying to take my mind off of it.

"Kennedy...I swear I've gotta get out of Vegas. This place is full of crazies.
I left another mandatory club appearance early tonight and ran into some Elvis impersonator in the lobby of my hotel.
I'm not gonna lie, I've been drinking alot tonight...but this shit was weird.
Elvis walked right up to me and shook my hand.
Mumbling stuff that didn't make any damn sense.
Something about me having my hands full with a firecracker.
Asking me where my purple crown ring was?
The guy was acting like he knew me.
The fucker got in the elevator with me and started singing about looking like an Angel but being a Devil in disguise.
Winking at me like I knew what the fuck he was talking about.
When the doors opened I ran like hell.
Scared the living shit out of me.
I'm definitely drunk, but the fucked up thing is that he actually seemed familiar.
Like I'd met him before.
Maybe someone put something in my drink and I'm tripping?
I'm kinda scared."

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