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Head founder officer: this position is the highest position one can get this rank is only for diamond or higher ranked members this rank is the most laid back they take the job of being the founder when the founder is not around they inforce rules and acts as the founder they will still answer to the founder but they will be the founder this position is an experiment.

The first President gave the founder the idea to even make a presidency and he appointed the role to her after an extensive 6 hour conversation they had about the group the job is very consuming the job of the president is to make sure everything is going to plan holding and leading meetings ranking members up and hold all information for everyone as needed the president can make more rules

Vice President: the Vice will up hold the things the president doesn't have time for or can't get to the Vice will also help hold meetings and also rank up people in low and miss class

Historian: the historians job is to keep with all the historic aspects such as this constitution and will have all information rank pay grade and group of all people in the group

Representative: the representative has the job of representing the group by helping get people into the group

Mediator: this job is for the soul purpose of helping out two members when faced with an argument or fight this person will help to diffuse tension within the group and will play the role of "counselor" for all people in the group

Social outlet: this person will keep pictures and take pictures for the social account on instagram for both groups

Sponsors: this job is for people who can't be in the group but still does things with the people in the group these people may be boyfriend or girlfriend

Minor rule enforcer:this person makes sure the people in group are living up to the standards and upholding the rules

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