Chapter 13_:O

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  • Dedicated to My Fans(:

Natalies P.O.V._2 WEEKS LATER

It was 2 weeks since settling in back in Miami. It was really fun living with my brother, he was alot cooler than i thought he was when my parents were around. But to be honest he's starting to get on my nerves. I guess he's comfortable now so hes okay with acting lazy. He and Austin seem to get along, at least I hope. I was going on a jog. I really needed to go on a jog and realize what just happened this year. So much its not even funny. The ring, my brother, school since i'd be doing independent study since my parents would be best, and mostly the ring with the most amazing boyfriend in the world. With the sweetest fans. They were so nice they always supported Austin through everything. Where would he be without them. Plus where would he be without the amazing Alex. Then a thought came to mind. Austin works so much, I think he should be able to go back home and see them adn maybe I could arrange something with the school like letting him come and visit them. I think him and everyone would like that. I mean he deserves it, he tries so hard, i think his fans agree look how happy they are for him. 

Then i got back home. Went inside and found Logan and some girl 'sitting' on the couch, at least thats what i thought. I mean hope. I walked up to my room then Logan yelled something out.

"Hey you forgot your phone and Austin called your phone at least a billion times!" He yelled. 

I went up to my room, found my phone and he was right Austin called me like a billion times, but ti be more exact maybe 58 times. I called back and heard his amazing voice.

"Hey babe!" he said, being his energetic self. Which i would be to if it weren't that time of the month, where i'd cry for ice cream. 

"Hey, you called?" I said back to him grabbing my clothes from the drawer getting ready to take a shower.

"Yeah, i wanted to let you know i'm taking you out tonight so I want you to get all dolled up-" He was saying but i cut him off.

"Austin. Really? What are we doing?" 

"Its a surprise!" He said. He knew I hated being surprised. But i knew he loved being surprised.

"Austin why are you so sweet?" 

"I dont know. I'm just sweet to you." He said. I loved him.

"Obviously, your so mean to Dave." I said. Refereing to him hitting Dave with a stick and calling him a girl.

"Hey! He was being a girl!"

"Hahah okay so what your saying is if i hit you with a stick till it broke, and thats if it'll brake youd be okay to prove you man card." 

"Hey not nice!"

"Who said i was being nice?"

"Hahah okay, well maybe i wasnt right hitting dave with the stick but what happened, happened. Anyways, be ready by 7:00 i'll be waiting right outside your door." He said. 

"Okay bye" 

"Bye princess!" He said. i hung up and took a shower got ready and put my make up on which was just mascara cause thats all i wore. I went to look for something to wear. I decided to wear a white strapless abercrombie dress that had a bow across the waist. WIth some cute navy wedges with polka dots and some acccesories and my hair slightly curled so it looked ostly wavy. Then since I had about 1 hour left i decided i would give alex a call and tell him my plan and he loved it. He gave me the schools number and I called and asked to talk to the principal. I told the principal that he was visiting for a day. She agreed that it was okay, but she had a price. Of course. She said that I would have to help her with something when i got there. I agreed, for Austin. Then finally it was 7:00. I went out to the door and found Austn standing in a some very dark jeans with a white t-shirts and of couse one of his chains and a hat to top it off. He was standing right in front of a limo. I was pretty sure my facial expression was priceless. 

"You look.." He said. 

"I look horrible don't I?" i said looking at the floor regreting puting these clothes on.

"No, you look amazing."He replied and smiled. I smiled back and walked towards him. I kissed him on the cheek and he opened the door like a true gentleman.

"Thanks." I said to him and he just smiled. I found Dave and and Michelle in the limo. I didn't know what we were doing. It was very silent in the car ride. Me and Austin just held hands andhe fiddled around with the ring he gave me. I laid my head on his shoulder. Then i heard a flash. It was dave he took a picture of us. We just looked at him.

"Im sorry you guys are just to cute!"He said. I just laughed, then the limo stopped. Austin went out first and all i saw were flashing lights and heard a bunch of screaming. I followed after him. I walked out and we were at a movie permiere, I walked out on the carpet. It was so nice, I was os surprised Austin is really starting to get really famous. It was for the movie "The Paperboy" Staring Zac Efron. I loved Zac Efron he was hot, but Austin was way more. He was there to, he was right in front of us! Eeeeekkkk! We got in front of the cameras took some pictures. We smiled, Austin was putting his arm around my waist. He whispered inside my ear.

"What do you think?" He said, smiling. I could tell he was enjoying himself. I was to, It was just amazing to see him so happy.

"I think I could get use to this."I said back, he made an even bigger smile.

"Me too." He said. We got in the theater. we saw the beginning of the movie but I had to use the restroom. 

"Hey i have to go to the bathroom, i'll be back in like 4 minutes." I whispered in his ear. He just nodded. I got up and walked out quietly looking for the bathroom. I made a turn when i bumped into someone. Zac Fucking Efron. 

"Shit."He muttered.

"I'm so sorry!" I said panicking.

"Its fine."He replied which I knew for a fact wasn't. I just bumped into him.


"Yeah" he replied.

"Okay." I said starting to walk away when he grabbed my hand and pulled me in. Then my heart began beating like crazy.

"Why are you out here alone?"He said. Thats when i realized, he was a fucking player. One of the hottest guys in the world and I thought sweetest guy, but I guess thats only on T.V. 

"Well i'm looking for the bathroom." I said yanking my hand away from him and I guess that meant for him to get closer. He wrapped his arm aound my waist.

"I can show you." He said winking at me giving me a sexual smirk. I backed up.

"I have a boyfriend." I said.

"And?" He said. And? Really, like wow. Does he not get the fact I have a boyfriend, whom i care for very much.  I looked at him shoting him one hateful glare.

"Oh come one! Austin What? Mahomo?!" He said. I just lost it. I slapped him.

"FYI! Its Austin Mahone! You son of a bitch!" I said marching into the movie theater grabbing Austins hand pulling him up and marching out of the movie theatre. Passing Zac with on shocked face. I stopped in front of him. 

"Fucking asswhole."I said in front of his face. I kept on pulling Austins hand, he kept on asking on whats going on and stuff.

"Natalie! What the hell is going on?" He said. As we stopped in front of the entrance. My stomach was starting to hurt. I was cramping up. 

"He hit on me when he knew i had you and he called you a homo... aghhhhh fuck my stomach hurts!" I screeched kneeling on my knees. 

"Natalie are you okay?" He said, crouching down holding me.

"I dont know-" I said and then i just passed out.

____Austin's P.O.V._____

Natalie just collapsed on the floor. I rushed her to the hospital and told the doctor. I left my mom and dave the movies. I called them and they are coming here right now. I hope she's okay.


Dun Dun Dun. Aghhhhhhh!!!!! Natalie what happened?! 

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