Chapter 54: I still love you

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Please kill me

We heard Nico plead to Jimin but why

"Are you insane huh?" I shout at him

"VM stay out from this"-Nico

"How can i stay away! Nico i still love you! And you just can't push me away like this. Please i can't handle this anymore"


I never saw VM like this before. I badly want to said something but seeing them feel that i don't have the right to interrupt them

"Then don't! I don't need you to handle this thing for  me"-Nico

"You can't stop me Nico. Sometimes i keep wondering. Has Nico love me? Does he know that it hurts so much? Does he know that all his promises is still lurking in my head? Does he know how much i love him? Does you know Nico?" VM said while crying so much

"VM please stop this thing"-Nico

"How can i f*cking stop if i love you so f*cking much"-VM yield

"And I Love You too"-Nico

"Then why?"-VM

"Because i don't have a choice! VM believe me if i have a choice better that this i will choose it but i don't"-Nico

"But i remember that  Nicole once said that you always has a choice"-VM

"I will not choose it. I better die that sacrifice my own sister's life"-Nico

All of us is taken aback because of his answer that surprises us

"There must be another way"-VM

"There is"

Nico close his eyes and hold his hand up while chanting

The beauty will fade
The future's unread
Let me take the memory
The memory-----

But before he can ever finish the speel VM run to him and hold her hand to his mouth

"You were trying to scape again? Don't be such a coward Nico! Scaping is not the f*cking answer! You said you still love me but then you try to erase my memory. How could you do this to me? Nico how could you hurt me so damn much"

VM  said while punching Nico at his chest .

"Haaay! Life is so full of surfices"-Kiana said while looking at them

"Yeah! But then what should we do next?"-Suga said out of the blue

V is about to answer when we feel the ground shake and the tree's are falling

What the hell is happening??

"The forest is under attack! All of you must get out of here"-Nico

"Can you tell us where is your sister?" Said by V hoping that Nico can give answer to his question

"I don't know where she is! But i can still feel her presence somewhere"-Nico

I had to drag VM literally just to get her out we were about to go when Nico said

"V you have to be more stronger than now! I don't know what happen but what ever it is, it will not end well"-Nico

"How about the rest of us? Any advice"-Jin said while holding his sister's hand

"The worst pain you can have is not a wound. It is the sadness that you can't give your self a freedom to cry! Jin you were there big brother crying doesn't mean your weak"-Nico

"And it is same to all of you! You should learn to stay to each other, support each other  and love each other. Because all of you will be facing a very big obstacle in your life. Where killing your self is the answer"

I was about to question him about it when we suddenly feel the light blending in our soul

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