chapter 8

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Mina invited Izuku, Katsuki, Ejiro, Uraraka, and 20 other(s) to the chat

*prank planning shenanigans chat*

Denki: *looks at chat name* put glitter in his sleeping bag

Ejiro: everyone sit in the persons seat who's on the other side of the room so it confused him. Everything reversed

Izuku: put sugar in his coffee


Uraraka: what's a momp?

Katsuki: I thought we went over this but maybe we didn't, so, instead of going on about how we came up with that, I'm going to simply state that is is an inside joke.

Jirou: so... The plan is to do all these pranks +more?

Sero: yup!

Shoto: I'm helping

Mina: k! ( :

*IRL Aizawa POV*

Tired, I walk into class. Everything seems normal, everyone's here, my sleeping bag is under my desk, yep. Looking over to my children I start going over homework and handing it out. Was... Was everyone sitting in the right seats? I thought I saw this child, where is he now? Wait the child in his spot sits on the other side of the classroom. Maybe? I might be crazy, actually, not maybe. I am crazy, but I didn't think I was this crazy. I need coffee. Whaaaat. "Oh. Hey back in your seats, please."

Well that was confusing, now I just have to write something on the board, and then I can sleep. Huh, this.. This isn't chalk. What in the actual fuck?.. Is this? Is this a sponge? "What the hell?" I mutter under my breath. I just want to do my job and take a nap. Fine. Whatever, I'll just sleep anyway since I can't write on the board.

I snuggled into my sleeping bag when I realized that there was pink glitter, PINK GLITTER in my sleeping bag, now on my clothes and in my hair. Okay. I've had it. "who put glitter in my sleeping bag?!"
. . .
They did not take me seriously, because the whole class bursted out laughing. fuck it, I'm taking my coffee and leaving. I walk out of class, get a bucket of water poured on my head, then leave for the staff room. Finally, peace, quiet, and coffee. I take a sip of my coffee and its sWEETER A THE FUCKING FLOWER! I'm just gonna sleep on the staff room couch. I'm done with this shit.

Then, just when I think this is FINALLY OVER, I see... Are.. Are those.... Rabbits?

I'm not complaining.

*Class 1-gAy*
Koda: did someone say release the rabbits in the teachers lounge

Mina: YAS

Shoto: nice

Ejiro: I'm tired, night

Ejiro has left the chat

Katsuki: well that was convenient

Aizawa: it was you guys!?!? Also, what Bakugou

Katsuki: I'm dating Kiri and I want to get him a present.

Jirou: and this will be dealt with in the next chapter, brought to you by Sero's 4th wall breaks

Sero: true

Sorry it's kinda short, I wanted to get this chapter out so I could start on the whole Bakugou being nice for a few chapters thing. Have a nice day!

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