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"My father would like to have dinner with you Mira." You literally sweat-drop as your mouth drops to the floor, your face morphs into one of shock.

"He wha-"

"Wants to have dinner with you. You don't have to go if you don't want to, I mean I wouldn't either-"

"Sure I'll go."


"I said, I'll go. I wanna show this bastard up anyways."

"Mira!!" Ochako slightly giggled as she stared at you in shock.

"What? It's true!!"

"It is true."


"Bye Mother dearest!!" You call out from the door before opening it you quickly glance at yourself in the mirror. You wore a white smock dress with puffy, bell, sleeves, along with wearing short white socks and black high-heels. (who ever said you didn't like dressing up every once in a while?)

"Don't make a fool of yourself you twerp!!"

"I never do!!"

And then you shut the door. And out into the cold winters evening you went.

"Shouto!" You called out from your small fence and being the bad bitch you are, jumped over it although you could have been a normal person and used the actual gate to aid your escape.

The heterochromatic haired male turned around and slightly and I mean slightly smiled at your appearance. You walked up to your friend and took in his appearance, black slacks with a white shirt and black shoes- classy.

"I'm sorry to have to drag you into this."

"Pfft nonsense kid, I may be with child but I am still able to slag your da'."

The boy glanced at you once more before turning to face forward and hike on with the journey.


"We're back." Shouto stated, coming through the door he took off his shoes, as well did you and the two of you advanced to what you assumed would be a modernised dining room.

Your guesses were right as you and your friend walked into the room you slightly gasped looking at the chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

Your friend coughed, gesturing for you to focus. So bringing your gaze back down you stared at the man before you. Enji Todoroki, scum of the earth.

The man before you stared you down, almost waiting for a greeting. His face wasn't lit up in flames which was to you, a rare sight. What wasn't a rare sight though, was the scowl he had plastered all over his face.

Your friend nudged you signalling for you to say greetings but you ignored his gestures and stared his father down. You weren't gonna back down for this man. No way in hell.

Grunting the man greets you signalling for you and his son to sit down for dinner. The rest of his family where already seated at his table except for his mother, but you knew the story behind that.

Nothing was said for a while everyone simply ate until the head of the house spoke up, almost making you wanna gag.

"What's your quirk?"

Everyone raised their head to this and stared at you. They already knew what their dad wanted.

"Well old man, that's none of your business- but since you're such a lovely person I'll tell you."

Enji growled and Shouto stared at you his eyes holding this certain look, as if to warn you.

"Shape-shiftin'." Putting emphasise on the N you set your spoon down and propped your elbows up on the table folding your hands into each other you stared at the old man.

He, stared back at you while everyone else quietly ate their food.

"What do you want with my son?"

"Well sir-" you stared at your friend and smiled.

"He's a cool lad, he's funny, smart, kind, caring and in need of some friends to guide him along the right path. So as a good person... here I am, wanting to be friends with your son because he's cool and not at all like you." You separated your hands, leaned back in your chair and crossed your arms.

Safe to say everyone was flabbergasted at your speech but everyone except for enji of course snickered and slightly smiled to themselves, happy their brother found a good friend.

"What?! How dare you insult me!!" The man rose up from his seat, it scraping in the process as his face lit up in flames.

You, noticing his anger rising stood up as well. The goofiest smile plastered on your face.

"Well! It's been great chatting to ya old man but see I gotta dip. Thanks for having me. It was a real... pleasure. Bye bye now Todoroki's!! Bye Sho!!"

Before Enji could approach you, you turned into a half spider again and ran away from the dining room out into the main entrance. Quickly yelling a 'thank you!', you grabbed your shoes slipped them on and leaped through the door, using your webs to swing you back home sparing enough time for you to get a bath and go to bed.

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