Chapter 2: §Lüdgê √ÎlLēñ (pt 2)

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Midoriya woke up like a zombie in a horror movie.

Once he was up again he saw All Might and Fumiko standing above him.

"Nene, so you are still alive."

Midoriya kept his gaze on the number one hero.

"Hello Young Midoriya! You're friend here has told me that you're my number one fan!"

Midoriya stood up his leg's jelly and began stuttering out words that made no sense.

"Broccoli head you better not faint again or this time I'll leave you and go home while you lie in the middle of the street and get run over by a bus."

Both Midoriya and All Might sweatdropped at her serious tone and solemn expression.

The hero then held out Midoriya's burnt notebook that had now had his signature in it.

"For the trouble I have caused you."
All Might said with his flashy grin.

"T-T-Thank you!"
Midoriya awed.

Fumiko's attention was drawn away from the two and onto a small flying bug.

She began swatting her hand's in the air like a cat chasing a bug.

Well she was the cat and she was playing with the bug.

She jumped on the bug cupping her hands on the floor.
She peeked through her finger's only to see that the bug was gone.

Frowning she looked up and saw the bug fly past her head as if it were saying fuck-you.

She was about to smack the shit out of it when she felt a woosh of wind hit her like a truck.

She stood up and brushed the dirt off her uniform.

"Okay Midoriya let get go-"

When she turned around he wasn't there.

She looked up and saw All Might flying through the air with a green thing flopping in the wind like a plastic bag being hung out of the window of a car attached to him.

Fumiko blinked.

"Well I guess I'm walking alone then."

She shrugged not caring about the fact that All Might had basically kidnapped the broccoli boy.

Fumiko began walking away and to her house until she heard a scream.

Spinning on her heel's she turned around recognizing that scream.

Despite her never actually hearing this particular male scream she could still tell it was him.

She ran with only on thought in her mind, only one word on her lips.


Fumiko pushed passed the large crowd of people and towards the front.

There in the distance was the slugs villain consuming her ash blond friend.

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