Chapter 7: Hë®ø'$ √§ √ïLLåñ$ (pt 1)

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Walking into school like a zombie, Fumiko flopped down into her seat behind the reason she had detention.

The boy turned around but Fumiko put earphone's in and clicked play on her phone.

Music blasted into her ear's downing out the male's voice.

He was furiously screaming now that he had realized his words were falling onto deaf ear's.

Fumiko just looked down and flipped through her song's, looking for one that would suit her.

Once she was comfortable with a familiar song from her favorite movie, she snuggled into a comfortable position in her desk with her head on her crossed arm's.

She instantly stiffened when a hand was placed on her shoulder.

Dramatically flinching Fumiko swiftly slapped the hand on her shoulder aggressively purely out of reflex. Her earphone's being pulled out in the process.

"S-Sorry Fujino-Chan!"

Fumiko's violet orb's were met with one's of crimson.

A boy with red hair that she heard from Midoriya who's name was Kirishima, awkwardly scratched the back of his neck with an apologetic smile.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to-"

She said sternly with her normal solemn expression.

The boy visibly flinched at her cold tone.

"But I didn't fini-"

She cut him off once again.

"I know what you're going to ask. So no. You were going to ask if I wanted to join you and you're friends group right? You guys are going to hang out after school. So no."

The boy slowly nodded his head disappointed.

Fumiko heard a silent "tch" come from the ash blond in front of her.

She growled.

"She was never going to go anyway. The fucken bitch has detention after school."
Bakugou growled with somewhat pride on his face.

He was mocking her.

"Oh yeah? Don't forget you also have detention smartass."
Fumiko stated, coldly glaring at the blond.

His grin was whipped right off his face  leaving Fumiko satisfied.

The tension grew as the two glared dagger's at each other.
Kirishima awkwardly shuffled away mumbling a pathetic excuse just to get away from the two before one of them snaps and shit gets out of control.

Honesty, Kirishima didn't know why Aizawa kept those two at such a close approximately. Surely one of them were bound to murder the other. It seemed like Bakugou actually hated Fumiko MORE then Midoriya.

At time's Kirishima even worried that they would literally hurt each other.

He guessed it was mainly because their personalities didn't mix all that well together.

One was loud and outspoken. Always thinking he was better then everyone els, determined to get #1 even if it meant destroying everything in his path to get what he wants.

While the other is quite and cold. Putting other's before herself, even if it meant she would get killed. She was mysterious, she never showed much emotion other then boredom and solemn. All she wanted was to become a hero. Not #1.

Two very different, yet, similar at the same time.

They both wanted to become hero's, and nothing was going to stop them. They both were equally matched in physical and quirk strength. But obviously only one of them could win.

Bakugou used his strength to win a fight.
But Fumiko used her mind.

So, witch one was more dangerous?

A loud voice boomed.

"All Might!!"
Practically everyone screamed.

But Fumiko kept her cold eyes fixed on her desk as she lazily hummed a soft tune.

Little did she know that a certain blond's ear's perked up to the soft humming. He didn't recognize the tune but it oddly reminded him of a song used for soothing scared or anxious children.

But as soon as All Mighs voice escaped his lips, the oddly soothing humming stopped. The aggressively tempered blond was almost tempted to spin around and scream at the girl to continue humming but kept his mouth shut, mentally screaming at himself for his odd sudden want to hear the girls soothing tune.

"Stupid fucken Fuck-Fu."
He growled under his breath.

All Might then explained that they would be doing a two versus two challenge. With one team as the villains and the other hero's. He showed the class shelves of suitcases hidden behind a fancy hidden wall and exclaimed that they were in fact the classes hero outfits and that they would be wearing them during the battles.

Fumiko sluggishly got up and and took the case with her seat number.

As the boys got out the class Fumiko slowly sunk to the back of the class away from the other female's.

She opened her case and stared in shock.

It was exactly what she asked for.

A black gas mask that only covered her mouth, obviously to help with on of the drawback's of her quirk. If she used to much of the fire side witch she liked to call fire breathing, her lung's full up with smoke causing her to cough dramatically and even sometimes she would cough up blood. The gas mask could help by letting her continue to use her quirk even in her coughing state, but then she'd have a lot more smoke in her lung's then usually.

There were also black combat boot's that went up to her knee's and tight  black fire proof pants that probably went under her boot's. There was a black jacket and a black crop top to finish off the look. Luckily the jacket was long so it covered her back, hiding it away from the world.

Fumiko glanced up making sure the other female's were occupied and quickly got dressed into her hero outfit.

She tied her hair up into a high pony tail with a black clip that sort of looked like a crown, her short bangs hung loosely on her face as she looked down at her exposed stomach.

Everyone could clearly see her abs and her black belly ring out for the show.

Her three small black hoop earnings also exposed. Sighing she closed the case and slipped out the class unnoticed by the girl's, she passed the classroom the boy's were dressing in and as if on cue loud shouts began booming from the room.

Fumiko rolled her eye's.
"Tch, bakas."

She then made her way all the way to the training ground's All Might had told them to go to.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2019 ⏰

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