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The midnight sky was as dark as you could imagine, except for the pale moon shining above the landscape. Far away you could see the glimmering lights of New York, but the city wasn't a place Loki would want to go to. In fact, it was a pretty bad idea to come to Midgard at all, but he had no choice. The guards of Asgard were close behind him and, to be honest, the God of Mischief couldn't even remember how he left his prison. He felt so tired, exhausted, and even the pain wasn't as intense as earlier.
Maybe he was dying.

While his warm blood soaked his clothes he forced himself to move forward. Deep inside he didn't knew why, because nowhere was safe for him. Odin would find him, no matter how far he went.
A roaring thunder could be heared, and Loki froze in panic.
"No", he whispered with a raspy voice, which was only a whisper against his brother's thunderstorm.
'How does he know I'm here?', the black haired God thought. But he got no chance to figure that out, because a well known voice appeared right behind him.
"Loki. Give up."
The soothing arms of unconsciousness stretched out to the trickster, but he wouldn't give up. Thor would bring him back to Asgard. Back to Odin.
Back to the pain.

As a warm hand touched his shoulder, Loki turned around and his fearful eyes met the ones of the taller man. Glittering tears rolled down the cheeks of the black haired one, and Thor stared at him in confusion. Then the gaze of the thunderer scanned his little brother and his confusion grew even more.
He was covered in blood, and as Loki backed away from him he limped badly. The emerald eyes of the trickster slowly closed, but he forced himself to open them again. He had to fight...
Thinking was so difficult. He could just give up, drown in the unconsciousness, maybe even die. Sleeping forever must be so peaceful... Free of all the pain, the loneliness, the feeling of being unwanted and hated.
So he finally gave up, darkness covered him and Loki collapsed upon the earth.


Welcome to my new book! If you don't know me yet, I am Ace. This is a shorter chapter, because it is, as the title says, only a prelude.
Hope you enjoyed :)

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