Nice To Meet You

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You were riding the elevator to Professor Ozpin office with a bag of freshly made cookies. He asked you to make some for a couple of guests we was having over. You heard the door open and walked towards the door. You were about to open his office door when you saw a little girl.

You was talking to her and found out her name was Ruby Rose, she seemed like a nice kid. We hear the door open and turn to see hows it is. You see Ozpin standing at the door.

"Hey Ozpin, here the cookie you asked for." You hand him the bag of cookies. "Thank you Mr. (L/N)." He gave you smile as he take the bag. You wave it off. "It no problem I always like to help. Now if that all I'll be on my way." You turn towards the elevator. "Actually there is one more think I could use your help with." You looked at him and nodded your head.

"Alright, how can I help." You asked. "If you and Ruby would join me in my office." Ruby ran into the office and you walked in as Ozpin closed the door. You saw Professor Goodwitch and another woman. Ruby ran to her and gave her a hug. 'That must be her mother' you thought.

"Sorry about that Ruby it took a little longer then I thought." She apologized to her daughter. "It fine mommy, because I made a new friend." She looks at you with a big smile. This causes you to giggled as you move towards them. "Hello I'm Summer Rose." She introduced herself. "(F/N) (L/N), nice to meet you." I offer my hand which she accepted.

Ozpin offered her the bag of cookies. "Here something for you and Ruby." Summer took the and thanked him. "Don't thank me, Mr. (L/N) made them."
Summer looks at you. "You bake?" She asked. "Well when raise yourself you learn to do a lot of things." You answer. She grow a sadness look on her face. "I'm sorry to hear that." You shook your head. "It fine, I've learned to deal with a lot of things. It just made me how I am today." You gave a soft smile.

Ozpin took a seat at his desk. "Now (F/N) Summer will be the new combat strategy teacher, and they will be staying in the dorms next to yours. I would like you to show them their room, and help them get situated." He then took a sip from his mug. You nod to Ozpin then look at Summer and Ruby.  "If you follow and I will show to your room." You gave them smile and walked towards the elevator.

Time skip

After a few minutes of walking you arrive at the fifth floor of the dormitory. You walk towards you room when Summer asked a question. "This floor seems practically empty. Were are the other students." You looked at her. "There aren't my on this floor, just two teams and me. She nod as you continue to walk.

You approach a hallway with three doors. You stop and point at the two doors at right side of the hall. "Those are the rooms, yours is the second door down. And that." You point to the door to the left. "That is a a shared kitchen." You look at your scroll to see the time. Seeing that it's late. Ruby  stomach growled. "Mommy I'm hungry, when can we get something to eat?" She asked her mother. "It be a little bit, we have to get the room set up. Then I can make you something to eat." She said. "Ok mommy." Ruby said sadly.

You cleared your throat to get there attention. "Why don't you two go get settled in and I can make dinner." You offered. "No (y/n) you don't have to." You wave off Summer comment. "It's alright I want to, besides I always wanted to cook for others." You walked to Ruby and asked. "Want do you want to eat." She thought for a moment and replied. "I'd like spaghetti, please." You chuckle as you patted her head. "Alright spaghetti it is."

Summer POV

I saw (y/n) walk into the kitchen with a smile on his face. I felt my heart beat faster. I was a little confused about it. I brought Ruby into our room and started to move something around for us. Unfortunately we don't have anything to put up, or do we have any clothes either. I would have to take to go shopping tomorrow to get some new clothes and other basics for us.

After some time a knock came to the door. We heard a voice come through. "Hey I just finished the dinner, come to the kitchen when your ready. (Y/N) said. Ruby look at me with a smile and I nodded my head. We went to the kitchen (f/n) set out three bowls. "Help yourself, there plenty." He said as Ruby sat in the chair starting eat. "Sorry for the trouble we may cause." I looked at him. "There no need to, now please eat." (F/n) then pulled out the chair for me to sit in. We ate dinner together.

After dinner we thank (f/n) for cooking, which he said it was no big deal and he was happy to do it. I went to put Ruby to bed as  fell asleep of mediately.

I saw (y/n) about to do the dishes and stop him. He was a little confused. "You made us an amazing dinner, the least I can do is the dishes." I spoke in a from tone. "Yes ma'am." He said making me giggle. I was washing them as he dryed them. We finish the dishes and made our way out of the kitchen.

"Thank you for helping us to (F/N), it really meant a lot." I said as I want to my room. "Your welcome, and if you need anything I'm right next door." I nodded as I entered my room to go to sleep. As I was laying down I thought about all that happened today. From seeing Tai cheating on me, to go a job at my former school. The last thing that crossed my mind was him, was (y/n)

So that second chapter done. I like to thank everyone for reading. And also I like you all to put a name for the weapon you use in this story, and I will pick one. Once again thank you all so much.

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