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Time skip

  A year has pasted since the day when I talked with my mother, and since then I have graduated from Beacon and I'm now a full fledged huntsman. Summer and I have bought a house in Vale and soon after found out that Summer is pregnant with out child, and today was our wedding. I was nervous as I stood up at the alter looking out at the people that are here to celebrate this day with us. I saw Ozpin and Glynda, both talking and having a good time as they waited. I aslo saw Qrow and Raven how came to support there firend on this day. I also saw my mother, I haven't fully forgiven her but I still wanted her to be her for this.

  I then saw the door open. Ruby and her half sister Yang came walking down the aisle both in cute dresses, they were spreading flower petals as they walked down. I smiled as they both bonded when they first meet. After they were finished Yang went back to her mother, and Ruby came and stood next to me. I offered her my hand to hold, and she took it and gave me the big smile she could. I smiled back at my daughter then I looked vack to the door as the music started to play. Summer came around the corner and when I saw her I felt my heart drop for a second, as i saw Summer wearing the most beautiful wedding dress. Summer looked up to me and she blushed, causing me to blush with her.

  When Summer got up to the alter we both couldn't take our eyes off each other. Neither of us were paying much attention to the the priest as he spoke. Then the said. "(Y/N) do you take Summer to be you wife." I smiled as i said. "I do." I then slipped the ring on Summer finger. The priest turned to Summer and said. "Do you Summer take (Y/N) as your husband." Summer smile and said. "I do" and she put the ring on my finger. Then priest then said. "You may now kiss.." but Summer jump and kissed me in a deep and passionate kiss before the priest could finish.

  After the ceremony Summer, Ruby and me went on a small vacation to the island of Menagerie. We enjoyed our time there and Ruby made friends with a young cat faunus girl. A few months after we returned home Summer gave birth to our son. A few months she gave birth, Summer went back to work at Beacon, while I stayed at home with our kids, I m went on missions ever once in awhile so we would have some extra cash.

Time Skip

  Ruby is now the age of fifteen and she got into Beacon two years early. Both Summer and I are proud of her, and Ruby's little brother was happy for her, but he was going to miss his sister. Ruby promised to come and visit when ever she can. We were standing at the pickup area that would take her to Beacon, I could tell Ruby was excited, but also nervous too. I put a hand on her shoulder and Ruby turned to look at me. I gave her a smile and said. "Ruby there's nothing to be nervous about, you'll do fine." Ruby gave me a half smile and said. "Thanks, but that not way I'm nervous. I just don't want to let you or mom down and disappoint you." I pulled Ruby into a hug and rubbed her back. "My little petal, you never let me down or disappoint us. We'll always be proud of you and your bother. No matter what the two of you do, me and your mother with always love  the both of you." I let go of Ruby and her bother gave her a quick hug, Ruby waved to us as she went on the bullhead to go to beacon.

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