The Fair

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The next morning

  The light shine in thought the window and into my eyes. Causing me to wake up. I blink a few times and mutter a silent curse, I open my eyes and looked around the room. I'm a little confused as I'm not in my own room. I then hear soft breathing, looking down I saw Summer sleeping on my chest. Then remember last night. I smiled as I brush some of Summer's hair away from her face.

  I then hear a small yawn from the others side of the room. I looked and saw Ruby waking up. "She looked over to us and I smile. "Morning Rub.. " I try to say as she jumps on the bed me and Summer are on. Cause me to groan in pain and Summer to wake up. Summer looks at around to see Ruby jumping my my stomach. "Good.. Morning.. Summer.." I say as Ruby keeps jumping on me. "Morning." Summer simply responded back. "Mommy, daddy spent the night over. Isn't that great." Ruby say happily as she stop bouncing on the bed were lay on.

  Summer giggles. "Yes it is, but if you keep jumping on him. I don't think want to come back." Ruby immediately stop and look to me. "I'm sorry." She said looking a little sad. "It ok Ruby, and I always be there for you." I say she then hugged me. "Thank you daddy." I smile and hug her back. "Your welcome my little rose bud." Summer smiles as a single tear falls down her cheek.

  I see this and wipe the tear way and give her a small kiss. "Now how how about we get some breakfast be we go out." Ruby get excited as she get off the bed. "Were are we going." Ruby asked as she stood in the middle of the room. "Well the a fair happening in Vale, so I thought we could go there and have some fun." I say as I get out of the bed. Ruby squeals in happiness. As we head into the kitchen to make breakfast.

Time skip

After we had eaten our breakfast and gotten changed, we got on a bullhead and went into Vale. As we walk into the fairgrounds Ruby eyes widen letting out a 'wow' as she saw all the games, rides, and food carts. "So what do we what to do first." I asked. Ruby responded. "Let's go on some of the rides." Me and Summer chuckle together.

  We go over to one of the rides, and because it early in the morning the lines were short. Me, Summer, and Ruby on into a tea cup. After we buckle up the ride starts to spin around. I looked and saw both Ruby and Summer with smiles on faces. Seeing that I could help but smile myself.

Time skip
Summer POV

  The three of them have on rides for about an hour. It make Summer happy to see Ruby enjoying herself with (Y/N).
Then he suggested that they go play a few games to try to get a prize for Ruby. We then walk past a booth with bottles stacked up, with different kinds of plush toys. Ranging from small to large. A man in the booth says. "3 lien for a to throw a ball. Knock down 1 to 3, win a small toy. 4 to 6 get a medium prize, 7 to 9 you win a big. And if you knock down all 10, you get the extra large corgi plush."

  The man looks a Ruby and said. "How about you ma'am want to give it a try." Summer look to Ruby looking at big stuffed corgi in aw. Summer smirked and nodded her head. She headed the man the money, and he gave Ruby a ball to throw. She took aim and threw the ball to knock down 5. "Good shot, which of medium do you want." The man said. Ruby seemed upset but picked the stuffed Beowolf plushie. He grabbed it and handed it to Ruby. Summer put a reassuring hand on her daughter back.

  Summer was about to asked were they wanted to go next. But saw (Y/N) narrow his eyes, as he watch the man restacked the bottles. Without saying a word (Y/N) put 3 lien on the table. The man took it and tossed him a ball, which he caught. The man also told (Y/N) he have to take three steps back. (Y/N) only nod his head as he dose so. (Y/N) looks at the bottles for only a few seconds, he then changes where he aims. As he about to throw the ball he uses his semblance for a biff second.

  The ball goes flying. But not towards the bottles, but towards the leg of the table. As the ball hit the leg it breaks it. Cause the table to become unbalance, and fall forward spilling the bottles off. The man becomes furious at (Y/N), yelled at him to pay for a new one. (Y/N) however isn't listening to the man. After a few more seconds the man stop yell. (Y/N) finally turn to him, but doesn't say anything just points. Summer looks to were he pointing, only to see three of the bottles still attached to the table.

  Summer became a angry a the man. (Y/N) then finally specks. "You have two options. The first is you give me that and we walk away." (Y/N) pointing to the corgi plushie. "The second is you don't give me it, and I go talk to those two police officers over there." (Y/N) then moves his finger to the two Vale police officers that just walked into the fairgrounds. "So which is it going to be." (Y/N) said giving the man a cold stare.

  The man grumbled as he took down the very big corgi plush and handed it to (Y/N). (Y/N) headed to Summer and Ruby. Once he looked at the too his expression when from cold and hateful, to happy and loving. He walked right in front of Ruby and placed the big plush in front of her. "Trade." He said causing Ruby to jump on the plushie that as tall as she is.

  Summer smiled as she hugged (Y/N). He hugged her back, then (Y/N) felt ruby pull on his shirt. "Thank you, but why did you do that." Ruby asked. (Y/N) knelt in front of her. "Because nobody." He then placed a hand on her cheek and continues. "Nobody hurts or makes my daughter sad." A few tears fall down Ruby face. She then hugs (Y/N) and says. "I love you daddy." (Y/N) hugs her back and picks her up. "I love you too my little Rose bud."

  A few tears escaped from Summer as she looks at (Y/N). She then pull his into a deep kiss and he kisses back. Then only stop they hear Ruby giggling at them. This causing the couple to giggle aswell.

??? POV

  Unknown to the couple and Ruby that a person was watching them. His hands where clenched hard into first, as he stared at them. "There my family, not your." He says as follows them to the carousel.

Author Note
Another chapter done. I wanted to get this out by valentine's day, but my boss changed my schedule without telling me. So it through me off, but never the less here it is. I hope you all enjoy it and thank you all for you support and comments. With any of you I don't think I would have gotten this far. So with my whole haert thank you all.

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