The past unfolds

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Summer POV

  It's been a few days seen our mission to the village and (Y/N) hasn't been act like himself. Summer started to get worried, everytime she asked what as wrong he would put on a fake smile and say 'It's nothing'. To alot of people and Ruby it seemed like nothing was different, but to Summer and a few of his other teachers they knew something was eating at him.

  Today was the start of the weekend, so Summer was going to go and talk to (Y/N) and get to the bottom of this. She was about to knock on his door, then the PA system came on. "Will Summer Rose and (Y/N) (L/N), please come to Professor Ozpin office". Summer then heard the door open and saw (Y/N) standing they looking at her. "Hey Summer, is there something you need." He asked her. Summer shook her head. "No just wait for you, so we can go together." She said lying.

(Small time skip)

  Summer and me just got in the elevator to go to Ozpin office. I am to deep in my own thoughts. 'Why was my mother there, after all this time she was there, why was she there, that village is a good distance away for I one I grew up in'. These thoughts raced through my head, but I was interrupted by Summer shaking my shoulder. "Hey (Y/N) you there." She siad look worried. "Yeah sorry, I was just to focused on my own thoughts." I said chuckling a little.

  Summer gave me a secptial look but didn't question it. After a few moments the elevator doors opened and we walked into Ozpin's office. Ozpin stood there with the village's chief along with her. 'What is my mother doing here.' I think to myself as I look away from her. "Hello again." Summer say to the village chief. "Yeah hi, what is that we can do for you." I said while try to keep my emotions in check. The village chief let out a small chuckle and said. "Oh I'm here to thank you both for the work you did in saving our village from the grimm. But the real reason is this lady has something to discuss with the young man." I saw my mother take a few steps towards me and try and say something but I cut her off by holding a hand up to her. "Your thanks is all we need, and I don't have anything to say to her." I say and heading back to the elevator.

  "(Y/N) please." My mother said as she gets closer to me, but I turned around around and eyes change (f/c) and my voice deepen as I say. "Nothing." I the  go to the elevator and summer followed me. Once in the elevator Summer gave a worried look, but i was looking away from her. "(Y/N) what going on, you've never acted like that, and who is that woman anyways." I turned back around  to her but she was shocked to see me crying, something I haven't done in a long time.

  Summer pull me into a tight hug, and I ended up crying into her chest. After a few seconds I stop and look at her. I wiped a few treats away and answered her questions. "I'm sorry Summer, I couldn't contain my emotions. That woman she was my mother." I say with treats at the edge of my eyes. "Turns out she left me and was living at that village. I thought something happened to her and that way she never came back, but she just left me."

  We were now standing outside Ozpin tower and I was trying to keep clam, and I was thanks to Summer. She then said. "Well what if she has a reason?" I got a little upset but I didn't vocalize it. "What could be the reason? Would you do that to Ruby, leave her life for 10 plus years?" Summer now was looking sad thinking if that happened to Ruby. "No, no I couldn't." She said. "The  what could have been my mother's reason?" I asked not expecting an answer. Summer placed a hand on my cheek and gave me a small kiss. "Well now could be the time to find out, you don't have to forgive her. But to move on from this you need to know." Summer said with a sweet and loving smile.

  We then hear the elevator go off and we look to see Ozpin, the village chief, and my mother come out. I was about to go and talk with her, but i then heard the sweet, innocent, and excited voice of my daughter Ruby. "Daddy up." She said loudly as Ruby jumps into my arms. "Daddy can we go and play?" Ruby asked happy. I gave her a real happy smile as I look at her happy face. And from the corner of i saw my mother was shocked and misty eyed. I looked back to Ruby and said. "Sure thing, but Daddy needs to talk to some people first ok?" I asked with a smile. Ruby nodded her head and I gave her to Summer.

  My mother was about to walk to me, but the village chief stopped her. He then walked to the towards me and motion for me to follow him. I did and we walked a few good feet away from everyone else. "I can't explain what happened in the past, but I can say one thing. When she, or I should say your mother came to the village, she had lost parts of her memorys, and they weren't coming back. But when she saw you, she said, 'that all the lost memories came rushing back'. So just let her speak." I nodded my head and he walked back and my mother was walking towards me.

   We are now standing facing each other. There was a silent between us. Then she was the first one to speak. "So you have a daughter." She siad happy yet sad at the same time. I nodded "Not my blood, but there isn't anything I won't do for that girl." I said with little emotion in my voice, and in that same tone I asked her. "Do I have any bothers or sisters?" My other just shook her head. "No I wasn't with anyone while my memorys..." She couldn't continue but I cut in. "Yeah the chife told me. And I can't blame you for that and I won't. But there still something I can't understand." "What is it?" My mother asked. "You said you were going to be gone for a few days, and from the village I was raised in there are others that are a half a days travel. But the village your at was three weeks away from mine." I then gave her a look that siad 'please make me understand'.

  She then let out a sad sigh, and then when she began to speak it sounds like she was going to cry. "The truth is, I was planning on abandoning you, and i was going to go Mistral. But half way there I realized how much of a mistake it was, and I was just turning to go back wheni got attacked by grimm. And that's when I lost memories." She siad now crying. I brached myself again a tree so I wouldn't fall over. I then stood up and spoke to my mother. "I don't know if I can forgive you, so for now I'm going to spend time with my fiance and daughter." I then reach into my pocket and pull out a key and hand it to my mother. "So please go home, so when I feel it's time we can try and start over." My mother takes the key and give me a small hug, while I gently pat her back. Then she leaves with the chife and go the village, and i hope that she goes home to were i can find her one day.

  I walk back to Summer and Ruby with a small smile. I take Ruby for Summer and asked. "So my little rose petal, whatbdo you what to play." I say while tickling her as she laughs happily.

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