Part 13 - Repetition

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"I'll see you at school tomorrow?"
"Yeah. Let's walk together. Like how we always did." I say, getting out of the passenger seat to my apartment lobby.
"Bye, Sav" Liam grins and drives away, out of my apartment.
I head to my suite, lock the door behind me, sit on my bed, and....
I can't believe any of that happened. Am i dreaming? Is this a joke? I had my first fucking kiss??!! And it felt magical, like in those movies. My first best friend, boyfriend... first kiss. I feel like i've been blessed..!
I quickly wash up and head to sleep, not even thinking about the lovey dovey feelings i have and letting them completely devour me.

The next morning, i head to school again. I make it there 10 minutes before school starts, and head to my locker.
"SAV!" A girl yells behind me. I forget her name...

"Um... h-hey, you!"
"you already forgot my name, aha."
"Well, it's Dinah. I'm in your fourth period-"
And in that moment, all that was heard was screams. The entire hallway was filled with a giant wave of water. Me and Dinah start running and are about to open the doors before we notice that it's flooded outside as well.
"Um- Dinah.. W-what do we do-" I stumble, but she grabs my hand and runs to the stairwell where it's stuffed with people crying. We quickly run up the stairs before I see Dean, looking upset with his head in his hands.

"Dean!!" I yell, he looks up.
"Sav.. hey"
"W-what is happening?!" I sit down next to him and Dinah sits as well.
"I don't know... aparently that big ass river next to our school overflooded cause of the heavy rain right now. I don't know what to do... my house is right next to the school, like, is it underwater too? Is it-"
I hug him.
"Dean, i promise it'll be fine. I promise."

We waited in the stairwell for two hours. They brought a bunch of stretchers in, but the police finally arrived.

I look at my phone and sweat harder.
I called Liam 38 times.
About 12 people are heavily injured... if Liam is one of them i won't know how to deal with myself.

The students spill into the lifeboats, all buckling into the seats. Dinah sits next to me nervously fidgeting with her fingers.
"Hey, atleast we don't have to go to school" I quietly laugh, and she smiles up at me with the most tiresome face i've seen, and i look away.
After maybe 30 minutes we arrive near my apartment where it's not flooded. And, i finally see Liam. He's talking with some police officers across the street. I unbuckle my life jacket and run over the street quickly.
"Liam!" I tap on his shoulder.
He looks down and gives me a hug right away.
"I'm so glad you're okay.." He says, pulling me in tight, but i pull away.
"I called you 30, no 40 times, why didn't you pick up?"
"My phone... it's broken." He says, laughing

The police officer interrupts us.
"You will all be staying at the shelter across town, where most of the residents are already. If you live on the West side of town you won't need to evacuate," he yells over the crowd, and me and Liam look at each other.
"I live right here..! On the west side..!" I whisper.
"I know" he smiles and squeezes my hand.
And i can't stop blushing.

After the police officers drive away, me and Liam head inside my apartment. I lock the door behind me.
"You know we might not have school for a week or two?" He says, taking off his windbreaker.
"Wait, for real??? This is the best thing that's happened" I laugh, but he doesn't laugh back.
"Hey, can i borrow your phone? I needa call my parents, they're at the shelter right now.."
"Oh, sure." I say, giving him my phone, then heading to my room to change.
When i get back to the living room, he's watching TV.
"So,... what do u wanna do..?" I say, smiling. I'm excited for some reason.
"I'm kinda tired, do you mind if i sleep?"
"Oh, um. Yeah! Of course. You can use my bed."
"Thanks, sorry by the way, i'm just tired. A lot happened today."
I force a smile.
"No problem, I get it." I say, and turn away to watch the TV, And Liam gets up to bed.

It's quiet, and for a couple hours i'm on my phone, microwave some snacks, and watch TV. Then i hear rustling and turn around on the couch. Liam is standing behind me on the right.
"Liam? Jeez, u scared me.." I say, but he doesn't say anything. He just slowly walks toward me.
"Liam? U okay?" I say, but then he sits down on the couch next to me, grabs my jaw, and kisses me.
Well, not just kisses me. He makes out with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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