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It was freezing outside, yet again. The cold whether and Shino did not mix well together, he didn't like constantly shaking, no matter how many layers he put on, nor did he like his skin getting dry. It made him look more dead than usual. But that didn't matter now, what mattered now was the green haired boy he was staring at through the window of the coffee shop. The same boy that broke out of his brainwashing ability, the same boy he couldn't get out of his fucking head. It's been two whole weeks and Shinso couldn't get the incident out of his mind. He's never felt so powerless in his life, and it pissed him off.

Shinso walked into the Cafe, "Welcome to-" but the boy's face went pale, seeing Shinso, who was quiet until he was at the register.

"So I don't get the whole welcoming?"

He watched as the boy gulped, "W-Welcome to Inko's Cafe, today we have specials on Hot Chocolate." he couldn't stop his hand from shaking, "Or would you like the coffee form l-"

"Yeah, I want that." Shinso replied, pulling his wallet out, he grabbed the cash and handed it to him, "The same is Shin," he added, watching as the shaky boy reached out and grabbed the cash from his hand. He had a bandage wrapped around two of his fingers, which Shinso didn't notice before. Did he accidentally cut himself while making the coffee last night? "Keep the rest,"

He examined the back of the counter, trying to see if there was anything sharp, but there wasn't. How the fuck did he do it? His eyes focused back on the boy, who was currently turning around, setting the coffee on the counter. "Shi- oh, well it's ready," he smiled at him. It was obviously forced, which didn't bother Hitoshi, he enjoyed making the boy squirm. He started bringing the cup to his lips, when he spoke up, "sir it's very hot."

"I know," he replied, sipping the coffee. He couldn't lie, it did burn his whole fucking mouth, but he's been craving this for two damn days so it didn't really matter. He turned on his heel, deciding that he wouldn't pester him anymore today. But he would have one of his men follow him, getting any details that he can about him. "Have a good day, Izuku Midoryia." Shinso called putting, hearing a quiet gasp from the boy behind him. Just like the rest. He thought, before exiting the warm building.

Shinso put his phone in his pocket, the only updates he's gotten on the green haired boy was he cried whenever people got loud with him, he ended up giving his lunch to a local homeless man, and he studied whenever the crowds died down. The kid seemed perfectly normal in societies standards, except for him getting his quirk later on in life instead of as a child, which interested Shinso. Is that how he broke through my quirk? What the fuck is it then? 

"Hitoshi, do we have a fucking deal or not?" the man asked, bringing Hitoshi out of his thoughts, he peeled his eyes off of the ground, looking at the older male who had a burn scar covering some of his face and just under his eyes. He was glaring at him, he always got annoyed when the purple haired boy got lost in his thoughts, which was often. 

"So you want an ounce of banana fish?"(I cry, you cry?) Hitoshi asked, "What do you plan on doing with it, if you don't mind my asking." 

"I-" His usual bright blue eyes went to a dull, gray color. He needed to test his quirk, the feeling of an ordinary college student breaking out of his power, did make him a  bit insecure and it was something he couldn't let get out, it could hurt his reputation. The one he worked so hard to get. "Tell me the truth, Dabi."

"I plan on using it on the boss, Shigaraki, I'm tired of his bullshit." Then the gray in his eyes disappeared, the blue in his eyes coming back bright, and full of fury. "YOU SON OF A-"

"Son of a what, Dabi? Do you really want to die?" Hitoshi smirked, he put his hands in his pockets, leaning forward a bit. Dabi scoffed, deciding to sit this fight out, he might not have been the smartest, but he definitely knew when to not join a fight. Plus, Hitoshi seemed more on edge than usual. After a few minutes of silence, Hitoshi spoke again. "Wednesday night we will meet up for the exchange, now get out of my fucking sight."

"Worick, escort him out then come back when you're done." he stated, he couldn't believe how one person could make him feel so small. Izuku Midoryia, making the known boss of Tokyo, feel as if he was nothing. It was weird, though, he broke through his quirk but when he seen him again, the boy was shaking to the core. He could barely even hold his coffee, what the fuck is up with this kid?   

Hitoshi's pocket buzzed, which made him pull his phone out and look at the screen. 

From Magnus: I got his address, as requested.

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