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Twelve years later.

The clothes Hitoshi left the building were a bit too constricting, since his time in prison he had time to tone up, since he ended up reading all the books in the library he didn't have much to do afterwards. He even memorized the dictionary. The damn dictionary. The word that struck him the most? Yarborough. It's when the dealer deals the deck but doesn't give out any nines, which in his case gave him the advantage to win nearly ever card game Worrick begged him to join. Ah, Worrick. He was going to miss that man, he was indeed in his fifties now and still waiting on death row. It was hard leaving him, but it was honestly nice to see the city again. 

The bright sun was nothing new, but it was nice to be released in the spring. The flowers were in full bloom, which would have never caught his eye, got his attention now. He stopped to smell the flowers, a smile appearing on his face as he did so. But when an employee came out to confront him, he quickly walked away. Hitoshi had other things to do, and he didn't want to get sidetracked in a conversation. 

By the time he was done, he now had access to his bank account again, as well as a new phone and a new outfit. It was nearly dark by now, the lights from the inner city were getting switched on, which yet again lit the city like it did during the day. He was debating on getting a hotel for the night, then the next day look for a regular job that would actually hire a man fresh out of prison. 

He was about to walk into the hotel, when there was a loud crash behind him. He nearly jumped out of his skin, turning to see a villain who was just as tall as the buildings, he let out a horrendous screech as he continued to knock down buildings, debris crashing at random places which made the civilians run rampid. Hitoshi stood in his spot, watching as multiple heros started to appear. Some tried to guide the civilians to a safer area, while others were surrounding the villain, yelling at him. But Hitoshi couldn't hear what they were saying , from the screams and the crashing of the buildings, he could only stand there and watch the ordeal. 

Then, he heard it. A cry for help, which snapped him out of his trance and made him look directly in front of him. A little boy sat on the ground, his arm bleeding as he cried out for his mother who was nowhere to be found. His legs moved before he could properly think, running towards the kid just as someone else did. Hitoshi's arms wrapped around the young boy as an electric green light blinded him, and he too, was grasped  by someone and the wind attacked his ear drums. 

"Look! It's Deku! He saved them!" A woman's cry was heard, making Hitoshi open his eyes. Once he did, he was met with Izuku's shocked eyes. He felt his heart nearly stopped, he never thought ht would see him again and here he was, in his arms being saved by the boy he hurt so many years before. 

"I-Izuku," he stuttered, but he was set down on the ground. He noticed that he no longer had his long, curly hair that he would run his hands through for hours, it was now cut short, his curls were barely long, making his hair look a bit frizzy. He was now taller than Hitoshi, and his built was something he only seen from the old time heros, such as All Might or Endeavor. Izuku opened his mouth to say something, but he was in just as much shock as Hitoshi was. He quickly looked over the both of them, waving to a paramedic before he launched himself into the air again, and out of the reach of the lilac haired male. 

Hitoshi felt like his chest was caving in, the heartbreak from so many years ago, that he held deep in his soul was now ripped out of him. He didn't even notice he was crying until a paramedic came up to him, asking if he was okay. Hitoshi only nodded, pushing the man away as he made his way to the front of the crowd, watching as Deku confronted the villain. 

"FULL COWLING!" he yelled, reaching his arm back as he jumped forward, his fist colliding with the villain. Hitoshi's eyes went wide as he watched the villain get knocked back, not on his back, but miles away from where he was originally standing. He didn't get up, and after that, he couldn't find Izuku. He searched the best he could, but with the police stopping him from going in certain areas, the greenette was nowhere to be found. 

"Izuku!" he yelled, "IZUKU!" 

But he didn't get a response, of course he wouldn't. Why would Izuku stay? He probably had to speak to the police, go to his hero agency, or didn't want to see Hitoshi all together. Which he completely understood why. Why would he come back to the guy who broke his heart? Wanted him to completely forget him even though he loved him endlessly. 

The lilac haired male let out a sigh, his hand going to the back of his neck as he retreated back to the hotel he tried to check into. Please actually be there. He thought, looking at the damage that was done around him. He let out a sigh of relief when he noticed that the hotel was still intact, only a broken window which was to the main lobby. 

When he finally made it to his room, setting his phone on the bed. He needed a shower. For twelve years he was stuck taking ice cold showers, and after seeing Izuku after all this time, this was the only thing that felt right. 

Steam quickly filled the room as Hitoshi stripped off his clothes, stepping into the shower. Then he remembered, he only had the hotel's shampoo, conditioner and soap. He popped the cap off, smelling it. Lavender. He shrugged, squirting the small amount into the palm of his hand and started to massage his scalp. He felt like he was scrubbing twelve years of tension out of his head, which made him want to melt down the drain just as the suds were. 

Once Hitoshi was done, he grabbed the robe, tying the band around his waist as he opened the bathroom door. He honestly expected to just lay in the bed for hours, not being able to sleep in a new environment, as if he had a proper sleep schedule to begin with. But what he didn't expect to see the window open, and someone sitting on his bed, nervously twiddling their thumbs. 

"I-Izuku," he stuttered out, he felt his knees go weak all over again, and this time, he didn't even try to stand tall. His knees fell forward, and his cheeks were yet again being burned by salty tears. "Izuku I-" but he didn't know what to say. He honestly didn't think this day would happen. Yeah after the hours of laying in bed, staring at the ceiling he created scenarios on what would happen if they met again, but he never actually expected it to happen. He didn't even think he was in Japan, last he heard of Deku he was out of Japan completely, helping some case in America. 

Izuku walked over, he still hasn't said anything to Hitoshi. It made him feel anxious, not knowing what to expect. When Izuku kneeled down in front of him, he then noticed that he was crying too. He opened his mouth to speak, but Hitoshi spoke before him. 

"I-I'm sorry Izuku, I n-never wanted to hurt you. I never wanted to, you have to believe me. I-I did it to help you, I-I'm s-so sor-" but he was cut off when his face was pulled into Izuku's chest, where he continued to sob. Hitoshi wrapped his arms tightly around the male, his hands balled into fist, Izuku's shirt getting in the grip as well.  

"I forgive you." Izuku whispered into his ear, giving him a light kiss. "Twelve years gives you a long time to think, and yes, it was wrong of you to do that; I understand why you tried to. But life is too short to hold a grudge, Hito." 

Hitoshi lightly pushed himself off of Izuku, a smile making its way on his face as Izuku wiped the stray tears off his face. "And trust me, I tried to forget you. I went on endless dates, I even picked up more work hours to try and keep myself busy. But I always ended up seeing when your release date was going to be posted." Izuku chuckled, his hand cupping the lilac haired males face, squeezing his cheek lightly. 

"I just couldn't forget you."


Listen, It took me so long to write this and I couldn't have this end sour like I originally planned. I literally cried(also on my period so don't come AT ME) trying to write the original chapter and had to rewrite it to this. 

But thank you all for reading, this means so much to me and I love all of you!! 

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