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Okay but I found this jacket on Amazon and decided to include it into the story so cause I ended up buying it?! I have no self control :)

Izuku roller over in his bed, scrunching his face when the sunlight blazed his skin.  He sat up, rubbing his eyes as he did so. Once his eyes opened, he looked around the room to see a new plushy on his computer chair, it was white, with a pink hat on it, a heart being held between its hands. It made him smile, he remembered how him and Hitoshi spoke for hours that night, and even when he was geeking out, he never seemed uninterested in a word he said.

He got up from the bed, walking to the bathroom to do his morning routine when he noticed the hoodie he was wearing(pic at the top). It's his favorite so I'll make sure to wash it. He thought to himself, lifting the front of the hoodie up to get a whiff of his cologne. It made chills run up his spine, the mix of his natural body smell and cologne was amazing, he couldn't wait to see him again.

Once he was done in the bathroom, he heard his phone alarm go off, which made him realize that he woke up before his alarm and that he didn't need to rush, like he usually would.

The sound of his feet padding against the wooden floors was soft, but noticeable as he made his way back in his room to get dressed. He was distracted when there was a buzzing coming from his phone, it was odd, only his mother was usually up at this time, and since his friends took afternoon/night classes, he could only assume it was his mother.

But it was Shinso.

Shinso😻: Good morning doll, I hope you have a good day at school. xo

He couldn't lie, a blush was very prominent on his cheeks, he could feel his face heat up as he reread the text over and over again. He never received good morning texts. Probably because you never had anyone interested in you. Midoryia didn't allow his bad thoughts to ruin his mood, he simple typed a "you too😽" before locking his phone again and getting ready for classes. On the way out, he made sure to grab the lunch his mother made him, sense he had four classes today, he really appreciated his mothers effort. 

Throughout the day, the two texted each other, he even managed to help him through a math problem that Midoryia couldn't understand, which, saved him from crying in the middle of class. He honestly wasn't used to his phone being so alive, that when Shinso stopped sending replies during his third class, he ended up checking his phone every few minutes; worry setting in the pit of his stomach. He decided to turn his phone off, pushing the lilac haired boy to the back of his mind, and focusing on his classes. 

When his classes were over, he immediately made his way to work, catching a city bus to make sure he would actually be on time. He always had a bad habit of missing the bus, which lead him to be late for work, since he had to walk and getting scolded by his mother. It felt like a never ending cycle on Wednesdays. 

Midoryia turned around the corner, a smile appearing on his face when he seen the unruly purple hair ahead of him,he picked up his pace, eyes widening a bit until he heard, "Hitoshi!! Why won't you ever hold my hand?!" The greenette's smiled dropped, his eyes meeting a bright blond, a black lightning bolt design in his hair, whom wrapped his arm around Shinso's, hugging him. His fast paced walk dropped down to a slow one; his hand pulled the hood over his head, before shoving his hands in the pocket of the hoodie, he kept his head down low before he picked up his pace, making sure to stay at the opposite end of the sidewalk. 

He knew he shouldn't of had his hopes up, but it was his fault, he's only known the guy for a few weeks, not forever. Hell, how they even met would send other people running, but what did Midoryia do? Chug that dumb bitch juice, opened himself up too quickly and is now crying on the way to work after he seen something he wished he didn't. 

"Get off of me- Midoryia!" he heard from behind him, making him nearly jump out of his skin, he didn't want to turn around, only pick up his pase, but he wasn't quick enough, he felt a hand grab his arm, pulling him into the older man's chest. "I-I need to g-get to wo-ork," Midoryia's stutter hit him hard, making him try to push himself away from Shinso more. He was already embarrassed from crying in public, he didn't want to make a scene on top of it. 

"Well, let me tell you on the way so you're not late." There was a moment of silence before Hitoshi spoke again, "Please, Midoryia, I'm not interested in him at all," he let go of the smaller male, taking a step back, so they could look each other in the eyes. "I promise, he means nothing to me." Midoryia glanced behind him to notice that they blond was glaring at him, arms crossed and nose up as he turned around and walked away. 

"O-Okay," He said, turning around to continue his way to the coffee shop, "I'm glad you agreed, cause I was on my way to my favorite coffee shop, it would've been a bit awkward." he continued the conversation, he stood close to Midoryia, but not uncomfortably close. He knew he wasn't in the best situation right now. He regretted ever meeting the clingy annoying fuck, he regretted going out to drink with the boys that night instead of going home, where he got shitfaced and had a one night stand with him, which became friends with benefits; which then lead to the blond becoming attached and then obsessed. He found him around town, even showing up at his house some nights, or even having the nerve to already be in his house, which made him change the locks countless amounts of times. 

If only the cops were on his side, but they weren't. Which made getting a restraining order difficult for him, and it wasn't like that psycho was going to listen to the law. Hell, Shinsou didn't even listen. 

Hitoshi glanced at Midoryia, noticing he still had a few stray tears. It made his chest tighten, not wanting to hurt him, or give him the wrong idea. He pulled Midoryia to the side, bringing both his hands up to cup his face, using his thumbs to wipe the tears away. He decided to go ahead and get it over with, since he didn't know what was going through the younger males head. "His name is Kaminari, I met him at a bar after a stressful week and we had a one night stand, which lead to being friends with benefits. But I cut it off, I swear, I haven't been with him for months, and that was the first time seeing him since I've ended it." He was flat to the point, not wanting to hide anything from him. He felt the need to tell him the truth, almost as if his the greenette was using the lilac haired boys quirk on him. The truth just spilled out like a waterfall.

"I promise Izuku, he means nothing to me."

The greenette smiled up at him, his hands covering Shinso's and lowering them from his face, "Okay, I believe you." he states, "Now let's get to work so I can make your coffee." 

Shinso couldn't hold back the smile, he nodded, twisting his hand so he was now holding Midoryia's hand, leading the way to the coffee shop. He couldn't pass an offer like that, now could he?

~(I wasn't going to add this, but BONUS!)

Hitoshi pushed the door open, his free hand still holding Midoryia's as the green haired boy walked through the doorway first, then Hitoshi following behind him. "I'm here!" Midoryia announced, which made his mother look up from the book she was reading. Her eyes went wide when she noticed her son was holding hands with someone else, their bodies closer than just friends would be. 

"I-Izuku.. you have a..?" her eyes started to water, a smile stretching across her face, she brought the book up to cover the tears that were falling from her eyes, "I never thought you'd bring a boy home! I mean, to work!" she cried, making Midoryia's face go a deep red, and Shinso to bring his free hand behind his neck. 

"Hah, well, Mom, this is Hitoshi Shinso." 

Please, do not hate me for making Kaminari who he is in the story, he is a sweet angel & he deserves the world! Pls don't hate me :))

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