When You're Scariest

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When You're sad.

Nobody wants to see you sad. You're just too much of a precious bean to be sad! When you're sad you scare people to the bone. They care too much for you, and they get so scared to think that anybody would hurt you. Lines that are used to make you feel good.
"You are the sunshine to my rainy day."
"You make me feel better then anything."
The one that always cheers you up and gets you on the right path is,
"Get ahold of yourself. Too many people depend on you to make them happy for you to be sad."

When you go silent.

You can give someone the shivers by just ending your chatter. If you're being ignored, everyone will be wary of your silence. It sends chills down their spines, because they think that is you go silent while figuring a problem there is nothing that can be done, because you always solve everything. What people say when you go silent.
"What do you think?"
"Are we okay?"
"Are we all gonna die?"
"Are we doomed?"
"Oh sh*t."

When You're Mad.

You rarely get mad, but when you do.... oh boi. You are mad for a good reason and could make anyone shake in their boots and pee their pants. Commonly said things when you're mad is,
"I'm so sorry please stop."
"B-b-b-but but- *sobs* but!"
"Oh My Gawd." <— Voice crack.

When you're sarcastic.

Making a sarcastic remark means one thing. You are pissed off at somebody. With sarcasam comes the great sarcastic smile. Yours is the scariest of the land. Things said then,
".... ouch."
"I see."

When you're worried/stressed

You snap and shout and run all about. You ignore people and roll your eyes. You drag people out by the shirt collar you become a perfectionist. You have to plan everything to it's last detail, people are scared of you because it makes them mad, and people just generally hate to be mad. Things said,
"Calm the heck down."


Do I need to pursue this more? You are a scary person. You smile. People scream. You walk into a room. Somebody faints. You sing. People cry. You laugh. People run.
Things said,
"Hahahah yeah...me too..."
"Ight. I'm head out now."

You don't scare people.

Though you may have snake scales, people kinda think they cute. You hiss at them or stick your tongue out, they say you blep. When you yell at someone they just laugh and pat your head because your short.
"Awwwww what a cute snake snack."
"Aren't you just like.... ugh... adorablegjdnakvsmsj."

When you just wake up.

Must I elaborate? You always wake up in a crappy mood. People hate when they have to wake you ups

When you get protective.

When you love something or somebody and somebody tries to take it or hurt it or touch or even fricken look at it you become a territorial tiger about to kill some motherfu-

"Let's calm down it's just chocolate."
"You chill bro? You good to go bro?"
"Call me when you don't want to kill me for eating the last cheese it."

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