When they first meet you

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He watched you play with other kids at the adoption agency for a bit before playing with you himself. You cried when he had to leave and he decided in that moment you where the one he wanted. He wrapped you in his arms and hugged you. That's when your baby mind started to love him as your father.

He was completely against adopting a child that he didn't have time to care for. Then he saw you, sitting in the corner teaching yourself to read at a toddler age. He realized that if he was forced to adopt a child it would be you because you would be a little bit more dependent. He silently filled out the form and then told you h you were adopted. He knew that you could actually be his daughter when you said, "Shut up if you may, I am reading To Kill a Mockingbird."

It was so hard for him to choose a kid because he loved them all. When he was about to leave for lunch he saw you balancing on some books trying to reach something on the counter. He rushed over to help you off. You pointed to the cookie jar, that was shaped like a dog and had your name on it. He gave it to you and decided that he needed you in his life because you were a good girl/boy and only ate two cookies. He was about to steal you but Logan told him no.

You pointed to him while he was looking at all the kids. You demanded that he sit down and color dragons with you. He ended up drawing on extra parts to the dragon so it looked like you were both slaying it together. You really liked the picture and asked if you could keep it. He said, "yes, but if you let me adopt you then we could do this in real life!" You were overjoyed at the prospect and leaped into his arms like a princess while screaming "Sí!"

He met you while Patton forced him to help pass out the juice boxes to the kids. You really liked his purple hair and grabbed it instead of a juice box. He tried to pull you off but you liked him and you didn't want him to leave. He soon realized you where one of those kids who, when they had their mind set on something, they will get it. So he ended up adopting you.

He went to grab a stuffed animal for one of the little brats and you had buried yourself into the pile of plushies. He meant to grab an owl but he grabbed your leg and pulled you out of the pile. You looked at him awkwardly and started a random conversation with whatever popped into your head first. "You owe me." "What?" "You can't expect to wake somebody up from a nap and not owe them." "So what do I owe you?" "You have to adopt me." So he did.

He grabbed a couple kids and led them far away... to the other room to play chess. Nobody knew how and said it was boring, except for you. You stayed behind and learned to play, when he was leaving everybody else had a kid so he just took you and run. Literally. Luckily Roman noticed and registered you as adopted.

He stayed in the car until there was five minutes left of their time. Then he walked in and adopted a random kid, but he told them his three rules. 1. Do what you want. 2. Don't hold anything back. 3. Love Starbucks or burn. You decided to follow his rules.

You cried in the corner until he found you. He wanted to fix you from all the years you were bullied by other kids but he didn't have enough time so he took you home with him.

Oi what is up? Choose wisely friends of who your father will be! I would suggest not switching dads, but I can't control you! Comment ya dad! My dad is Logan! Point out any mistakes that you see!

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