When You Get an F

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I might end this story soon... :p
I dunno just not motivated
Im sure its just writers block and if I do end it I will probably come back to it but its been on my mind a while

When You Get an F

He wrapped you in a hug and asked you to promise him one thing. "Did you try your best?" He asked in a gentle whisper. You nodded tears running down your face. "Then it doesnt matter."

Uh oh. "What?" He snapped and stared down at you with his piercing gaze. "I why would you do that!?" He screamed. "I did my best!" You shouted back, fighting the tears. "Your best would have been an A!" He yelled. "Go to your room!" "I already was!" It was the cause for the longest argument you ever had.

He smiled at you sadly. "Okay kiddo." He sighed. "I know you tried your best, because you wouldn't want to make anybody disappointed. I'm proud of you." He said. You felt very guilty because you didn't try.

He shouted at you in Spanish for a long time. "¡Que! ¡Pequeño y tonto hijo de puta! ¡Di a luz a una disgracia! ¡Miles de generaciones de realeza corren por tus venas y tienas la audacia de obtuner una f! ¡También podría recharzarte!" You were just glad that you failed your spanish test.

He laughed. "Looks like we are both disappointments." Yay Human Bonding experience!

He snuck into the school with you to change your grade.

"Whose Failure? Never heard of her." You said to your father. He still grounded you for the rest of your life. Obviously.

Oop smack. Oop grounded. He grounded you from starbucks and fast food. ;-;

He smiled and had a talk with you. You worked things out but he still grounded you. He said that even if you tried you needed punishment.

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